Wifi Spots and Internet Cafes on Campus
This page enumerates the wifi hot spots and Internet Cafes on campus.
Wifi Hot Spots
- University Library - free to people with UP Webmail Account
- UP Computer Center Lobby
- UP College of Education
- Engineering Library I
- UP College of Arts and Letters Atrium
- Kalayaan Residence Hall Lobby
- Kamia Residence Hall Lobby
- Cordillera Coffee at the School of Economics
- School of Economics Library
- School of Economics Lobby
- Ipil Residence Hall Lobby
- More Wifi Hot Spots?
Internet Cafes
- CSSP Computer Lab
- UP College of Education Multimedia Lab
- Isko (Vinzons Hall)
- Various Internet Shops are also located at the University Shopping Center and in the Krus Na Ligas area.