Technology integration in teaching and learning
This page outlines the initiatives and challenges in teaching and learning with technology at the University of the Philippines System.
Why integrate technology in teaching and learning
- Educational technologies help students acquire some of the skills necessary in the "real world"
- With the aid of technology, teachers can ease up instructional routines and manage classes more effectively
Initiatives in technology integration at UP
- training workshops for UPD teachers through DILC
- University Academic Technologies Committee
Challenges to the use of technology in teaching and learning at UP
- Misconceptions about information technology
- highly uneven ICT infrastructure on campus (e.g., this)
- the tendency to overemphasize "volume" of subject matter being taught over how students learn such matter and over the totality of learning experience
See Also
- Technlogy-Integration Examples
- Teaching Tools
- Workshop Suggestions - DILC
- Issues in cloud computing and storage
- Why use UVLe
- James Loeffler (2013) Professor: I Banned Laptops from the Lecture Hall
- Michael Hiltzik (2012) Who really benefits from putting high-tech gadgets in classrooms? LA Times
- Emily Hanford (2012) "Don't Lecture Me" American RadioWorks
- Daphne Koller (2011) "Death Knell for the Lecture: Technology as a Passport to Personalized Education" NY Times
- "Computers in Schools:10 Points to Avoid Past Errors"
- "Developing an Effective Online Course"