UVLe 3.5.1 Release Notes
UVLe 3.5.1 Release Notes |
Release Date: 29 September 2019
Server Requirements
- UVLe upgrade: UVLe 3.1.12
- PHP version: PHP 7.0
- PHP extension: Intl
- MySQL charsets: full utf8 (utf8mb4)
Database Requirements
Database | Minimum version | Recommended |
MySQL | 5.5.31 | Latest |
Client Requirements
Browser Support
UVLe is best used with the following web browsers.
- Firefox
- Google Chrome
Major Features
CRS Integration
- (Update) Request an UVLe course page for their classes
- (New) Monitor the status of their course page request
- (New) Enroll students to an UVLe course page based on class list
- (New) Enroll students from multiple sections/class lists into a single UVLe course page
- (New) Upload class syllabus in CRS
My Tools Widget
- Easy conversion of PDF to MP3
- Easy conversion of Image to Text
- Easy conversion of Document to PDF
Notification and Messages Alerts
- Available as menu links beside Quick Links
- Highlighted with a number of received notifications
- Alert events such as forum posts or assignments needing grading
- Alert received messages
- Notification alerts can be set at User Notification Preferences
- Messages alerts can be set at User Message Preferences
Event Reminder
- Three days and a day prior to scheduled activity/event will be sent as email notification
- Supports site, course, activity, user and group calendar events
- Event Reminder can be set at Course Administration
Upload Notification
- Email notification may be sent every time a file/resource is uploaded
- Optionally the new file can be included in the email directly
- Upload notification can be set at User Miscellaneous Preferences
- Upload notification can be set at Course Administration
- Uploading/adding files may be checked by an antivirus
- Antivirus can be set at User Profile Preferences
BBB Conference
- An updated video conferencing facility
- Create multiple activity links to online sessions within any course
- Restrict students from joining a session until a teacher (moderator) joins the session
- Launch BigBlueButton in a separate window
- Create a custom welcome message that appears at the top of the chat window when joining the session
- Specify join open/close dates for the session that appears in the UVLe’s calendar
- Record a session
- Access and manage recordings
- Can only be access by a full teacher role
H5P Interactive Content Activity
- Create vertically stacked expandible items
- Create a sequence of images that gradually
- Create time-based arithmetic quizzes
- Create an audio recording
- Quickly generate bar and pie charts
- Create a collage of multiple images
- Column layout for H5P
- Create text-based turning cards
- Create a dictation with instant feedback
- Create a form wizard
- Create drag and drop tasks with images
- Create text-based drag and drop tasks
- Create essay with instant feedback
- Create a task with missing words in a text
- Create many hotspots for users to find
- Create image hotspot for users to find
- Grid word search game
- Create stylish and modern flashcards
- Create an image with a question and answer
- Embed from a url or a set of files
- Create an image with multiple info hotspots
- Create interactive images
- Drag and drop image matching game
- Place images in the correct order
- Easily create an image slider
- Create a slideshow with parallax effects
- Create a task where users highlight words
- Create the classic image pairing game
- Create flexible multiple choice questions
- Create personality quizzes
- Create questionnaire to receive feedback
- Create a sequence of various question types
- Create questions with one correct answer
- Answer a question using your voice
- A series of questions answered by speech
- Create tasks with a list of statements
- Create a timeline of events with multimedia
- Create true/false questions
- Create interactive 360 environments
- Create videos enriched with interactions
- Create a presentation with interactive slides
- Create dilemmas and self paced learning
- Fill in the missing words
Student Assistant Role
- Upload lecture files
- Check attendance.monitor checklist activity
- Upload and monitor forum activities
- Students assistants are restricted to access student’s submissions and student’s grades
Other Highlights
My Private Files
- Real-time updating of private files when adding, removing, or moving files
My Messages
- Allows file attachment
- File attachment expires within 7 days
- Added emoticons
Course Overview
- Course is distributed by active and inactive courses
- Course percentage/progress is supported when activity completion is enabled
- Timeline that provides an overview of deadlines
Email Notification Preferences
- Alternate email for receiving notifications rather than the set primary email
My Grades
- Grades are accessible via Profile Links
Profile Preferences
- Organized list of preferences
- Change settings is renamed to Administration
- Organized list of activities for basic and advanced teachers
- Activities are distributed by common activities, gamification, other activities, and resources
Question Types
- Organized list of questions types
- Question types are distributed by common questions, other questions, and other
Assignment Activity
- Issues on assignment viewer now resolved
- Annotation on submissions and other tasks (grading, adding comments, adding feedback file, etc.) are fully working
Switching Roles
- Switch role is available via Profile Links
- Export/print quizzes in PDF for pen-and-paper quiz activity