Official Work Schedule
30 September 2003
Memorandum No. ERR-03-101
To: Deans, Directors, Head of Units, and Staff
Subject: Official Work Schedule
Please be reminded that the official work schedule of non-teaching
staff in the University is from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm from Monday to Friday.
The flexi-time schedule is being observed as part of the internal
rules and regulations on attendance and punctuality, which will require the employees to incur less frequency of absences and tardiness than that allowed under the existing CSC rules and regulations. The flexi-time schedule adopted by an official or an employee whose work area does not require shifting of schedules must have prior approval of the head of unit and must be reported to the HRDO. Further, the employee must follow only one Official Working Hour schedule, which he/she cannot occasionally change at his/her convenience.
Further an employee may be allowed, at the discretion of the head
of unit, to report for work within a maximum of 15 minutes after the start of his official working hours in the morning, provided he/she offsets the number of minutes incurred at the end of the day. The time allowance must be used only in emergency cases and must not be practiced habitually.
It must be emphasized though that the adoption of flexi-time schedule
should not be prejudice the efficient delivery of services as well as usage of utilities.