Lost and Found
Lost or found something on campus? You may contact poster using his/her UP Webmail (see history of this page). Once the item is recovered please remove its entry from this page. Suggested format of entry: * Lost Item. Description (color, type, marks, LOST EXACTLY WHERE on campus). Contact Info
Items Lost
- 8gb flashdrive green, kingston with orange strap last noticed on the UP engineering parking lot
- File Case orange, with important documents, last noticed in CASAA Canteen.
- Cream-colored umbrella with brown stripes, last seen in MB 328, front row, right side
- Herschel Green Wallet, with Starbucks Card, BDO, BPI, CBTL Cards, and with Cash - Last noticed on the UP DCS - Alumni Engineers' Hall - 2nd Floor
- bracelet with small colored stones (yellow, blue, red/pink, green) - UP Virata School of Business