Self-presentation of Filipino Young Professionals In the Workplace

From Iskomunidad

YupPIeNOY: Self-presentation of Filipino Young Professionals in the Workplace, Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis, University of the Philippines College of Mass Communication.


This study examined the self-presentation process of young professionals in the workplace by focusing on 1) how feedback was used social comparison, and how social comparison affected the self-presentation; 2) comparing the level of importance given by yuppies to their meta-perception and their own attitude towards behaviors in the workplace; 3) discussing the opinion of yuppies towards behaviors in the workplace and the factors that led to such opinion; 4) the relationship between the interpersonal needsinclusion, control, and affection and the self presentation of yuppies; 5) determining the probability of behavioral intention being translated into actual self-presentation. The study made use of the Theory of Self-presentation (Goffman’s Social Approach), Theory of Reasoned Action by Azjen and Fishbein, Perception and Meta-perception Theory by Laing, Social Comparison Theory by Festinger, and Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation (FIRO) Theory by Schultz. A qualitative approach was employed in this study, and utilized focus interviews, focus group discussions, and observation as methods for data gathering. The study found out that, young professionals based their actions or self-presentation mostly on the nature of relationship that they had with another individual. Past and future experiences were also big factors in deciding their course of action. The interpersonal needs- control, inclusion, and affection were deemed important by the yuppies in their workplace.

Arguelles, Q.B. & Basa, C.A.B. (2011)

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Subject Index : Self-presentation--Philippines,