Fidel Nemenzo

From Iskomunidad

Administrative Positions

Vice-Chancellor for Research and Development, UP Diliman

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Science, UPD

Coordinator, Science and Society Program, College of Science, UPD

Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Institute of Mathematics, UPD

Deputy Director for Facilities and Resources, Institute of Mathematics, UPD

Courses Taught

Undergraduate Level: College Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, Discrete Mathematics, Projective Geometry, Modern Geometries, Number Theory, Abstract Algebra (groups, rings, fields), Philosophy and Foundations of Mathematics, History of Mathematics, Ethical and Professional Issues in Computer Science , GE Mathematics, Mathematics in Japanese Culture; Science, Technology and Society (STS), C++ and FORTRAN Programming (Tokyo).

Graduate Level: Algebraic Number Theory, Theory of Elliptic Curves, Algebraic Geometric Codes, Cryptography (for M.S. Computer Science), Theoretical Concepts of Cryptography (for M.S./PhD Math), Introduction to Algebraic Geometry and Computational Biology, Coding Theory, Digital Geometry, Geometry for Teachers (M.A. Math), Abstract Algebra for Teachers (M.A. Math).


K. Nagata, F. Nemenzo and H. Wada. Mass formula and structure of self-dual codes over Z2s. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 67(3). 2013, 293-402. (ISI)

J. Dimabayao and F. Nemenzo. On Tate-Shafarevich groups of families of elliptic curves. Notes of Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics 18 (2), 2012, 42-55.

Manongsong, S.M., Tan, E., Nemenzo, F. and Yap, M. (2011), A new coordinatization of the hexagonal grid and its application to image representation. IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Singapore, 2011, 85-89.

K. Nagata, F. Nemenzo and H. Wada. The number of self-dual codes over Zp3. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 50 (3), 2009, 291-303. (ISI)

K. Nagata, F. Nemenzo and H. Wada. On self-dual codes over Z16 . (book chapter in) Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and error-Correcting Codes, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5527, 2009. (ISI)

K. Nagata, F. Nemenzo and H. Wada. The number of self-dual codes over Zp3. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 50 (3), 2009, 291-303. (ISI)

M.C. Amarra and F. Nemenzo. On (1-u)–cyclic codes over Fpk + uFpk. Applied Mathematics Letters 21, 2008, 1129-1133. (ISI)

J.M. Balmaceda, R.A. Betty and F. Nemenzo. Mass formula for self-dual codes over Zp2. Discrete Mathematics 308, 2008, 2984-3002. (ISI)

K. Nagata, F. Nemenzo and H. Wada. A constructive algorithm of self-dual error-correcting codes. Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, 16-22 June 2008, Pamporovo, Bulgaria, 215-220.

F. Nemenzo and H. Wada. Classification of codes over finite rings. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the PCUA (Personal Computers’ Users Association of Japan), March 2006, Tokyo, Japan.

F. Nemenzo. On a theorem of Scholz on the class number of quadratic fields. Proc. Japan Acad 80A, 2004, 9-11. (ISI)

K. Betsumiya, S. Ling and F. Nemenzo. Type II codes over F2m + uF2m. Discrete Mathematics 275, 2004, 43-65. (ISI)

P. Caranay and F. Nemenzo. A note on Scholz’ biquadratic reciprocity law. Matimyas Matematika 27 (1-3), 2004.

J. Balmaceda, R. Betty and F. Nemenzo. On the number of distinct self-dual codes over Z9. Matimyas Matematika 26, 2003.

F. Nemenzo. All congruent numbers less than 40000. Proc. Japan. Acad. 74A (1), 1998. (ISI)

F. Nemenzo. On the rank of the elliptic curve y2 = x3 – 23792x. Proc. Japan Acad. 72A (9), 1996. (ISI)

F. Nemenzo. A note on the class number of Q(\sqrt{pq}), Matimyas Matematica 18 (1), 1995.

F. Nemenzo, A rational biquadratic reciprocity law, Proceedings of the 1993 Mathematics Symposium of the National Research Council of the Philippines,p 41-47.

F. Nemenzo. On the determination of the principal genus of quadratic fields, Proceedings of the Workshop and Conference on Number Theory, University of Hongkong, July 1993.

F. Nemenzo and H. Wada. An elementary proof of Gauss' genus theorem. Proc. Japan Acad. 68A (4), 1992. (ISI)

F. Nemenzo, Fermat's Last Theorem: A mathematical journey, Matimyas Matematica 17(2), May 1994. [survey].

F. Nemenzo (with A. Ramirez and J. Caro). TekKids 2: Introduction to Computers and IT, TechFactors, Inc, 2005. [textbook for grade school]

F. Nemenzo, K. Nagata (trans.), Firipin ni Okeru Kompyutariterashi: sono mezasu tokoro (Computer Literacy in the Philippines: Where to?) [in Japanese], Pasokon Riterashi magazine, Feb. 1996, pp 27-31.

F. Nemenzo, “Some Prime Information”, Math Quest, Juniors, Vol 1, No. 1.

F. Nemenzo, “Hunting for Prime Numbers”, Math Quest, Juniors, Vol 1, No. 1.

F. Nemenzo, “The Fibonacci Sequence”, Math Quest, Juniors, Vol 1, No. 1.

F. Nemenzo, “Fibonacci in Nature”, Math Quest, Juniors, Vol 1, No. 1.


Math and GE:Why is Mathematics Part of Liberal Education?

Awards and Recognitions

Commencement Speaker, College of Arts and Sciences, Cebu Normal University, March 2014

International Mathematical Union grant for senior mathematicians, Seoul, 2014 E&R Santos Meritorious Service Award, March 2014.

NRCP (National Research Council of the Philippines) Achievement Award, March 2013.

UP Centennial Faculty Grant, 2013

Crisostomo and Cristina Garcia Centennial Professorial Chair in Mathematics, 2008-10

International Mathematical Union grant for senior mathematicians, Hyderabad, 2006

Metro Manila Commission Professorial Chair, 2007

PHINMA Professorial Chair, 2005

Gawad Chancellor Award (para sa natatanging guro), 2005

UP International Publication Awards

Sophia University STEC (Science and Technology Exchange) Grant, 2006

Hitachi Research Fellowship, 2005

Institute of Mathematical Sciences (National Institute of Singapore) research fellowship, 2001

See Also