Colloquium on the Legal and Regulatory Challenges in Genomic Research in the Philippines

From Iskomunidad

Colloquium on the Legal and Regulatory Challenges in Genomic Research in the Philippines

Monday, May 28, 2012, 2-5pm
Natural Sciences Research Institute (NSRI)
Quirino & Velasquez St
University of the Philippines
Diliman, QC

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This Colloquium focuses on the current and potential legal and regulatory challenges in Philippine genomic research. Possible solutions to such challenges will also be discussed. As it takes stock of the challenges involved in Philippine genomic research and gains better appreciation of the local context of science and technology, the Colloquium seeks to facilitate a conversation about concrete short- and long-term legal and regulatory measures that support efficient, productive and meaningful research in the country.

Full papers submitted to (and accepted by) the Colloquium will be considered for publication. They will also serve as basis for organizing subsequent colloquia on ethical, legal and social issues in Philippine genomics.

Call for Abstracts

We now welcome abstracts for papers on the current and potential legal and regulatory challenges in Philippine genomic research. An abstract has to be 250 words or less and must come from researchers, scientists, lawyers, staff members involved (directly or indirectly) in genomic research projects in the Philippines. Representatives of relevant regulatory agencies, advocacy and civil society groups, and other stakeholders are also welcome to participate in this Colloquium.

Deadline for the submission of abstracts is on April 28, 2012.

Online Abstract Submission Form
Submit an abstract using this form.


Other than paper presenters and reactors, participants may include

  • researchers, scientists
  • administrators, project managers
  • research support staff, legal advisers of research projects
  • legislators, legislative staff, representatives of regulatory agencies
  • academics
  • funders
  • invited guests

Participants are expected to fill out this "expression of interest" form as soon as possible to help the organizers gather a good mix of audience for the event. Deadline for filling out such form is on March 20, 2012.


For updates, please fill out this form.


Email: psy @ kssp . upd . edu . ph

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