Institute of Mathematics Courses Offered

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Undergraduate Courses

Math 1 Mathematics for General Education
Concepts and applications of mathematics.
Credit: 3 u.

Math 2 Practical Mathematics
Application of mathematics to everyday life.
Credit: 3 u.

Math 11 College Algebra
Linear equations; algebraic and graphical solutions of the quadratic equations; exponents and radicals; complex numbers; binomial expansion; determinants; progressions; solutions of equations, several equations in several variables.
Prerequisite: one year of high school algebra
Credit: 3 u.

Math 14 Plane Trigonometry
Logarithms, graphs of the trigonometric functions; the general triangle; solutions of trigonometric equations, inverse trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions; complex numbers.
Prerequisite: one year each of high school algebra and plane geometry
Credit: 3 u.

Math 17 Algebra and Trigonometry
Sets and numbers; the algebra of numbers as logical system; inequalities; absolute values and coordinates systems; functions and graphs; circular, linear, quadratic, and polynomial functions; exponential and logarithmic functions; applications of the circular functions to angles.
Prerequisite: one year of high school algebra
Credit: 5 u.

Math 53 Elementary Analysis I
Functions and their graphs; limits and continuity; the derivative; derivatives of algebraic and trigonometric functions; exponential and logarithmic functions; inverse functions; antiderivatives and definite integrals; fundamental theorem of calculus; applications of the definite integral.
Prerequisite: Math 17 or equivalent
Credit: 5 u.

Math 54 Elementary Analysis II
Integration methods; applications of the definite integral; plane and solid analytic geometry; polar coordinates; vectors; parametric equations. Sequences and series; power series.
Prerequisite: Math 53
Credit: 5 u.

Math 55 Elementary Analysis III
Functions of several variables, continuity; partial derivatives; derivatives of functions of several variables; linear approximation; quadric surfaces; multiple integrals; applications of multiple integrals; vector fields; potential functions; Stokes and the divergence theorem.
Prerequisite: Math 54
Credit: 3 u.

Math 60 Precalculus
Algebraic operations, functions, analytic, geometry, trigonometry, matrices.
Prerequisite: none
Credit: 5 u.

Math 63 Calculus I
Functions of a single variable; limits, continuity; the derivative and the Riemann integral; derivatives of algebraic, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions; applications; polar coordinates; conic sections.
Prerequisite: Passing APE in Math 17 or equivalent
Credit: 5 u.

Math 64 Calculus II
The exponential, logarithmic and hyperbolic functions; techniques of integration; vectors and vector-valued functions; improper integrals; infinite series; power series; applications.
Prerequisite: Math 63 or equivalent
Credit: 5 u.

Math 65 Calculus III
Calculus of several variables and Fourier series.
Prerequisite: Math 64
Credit: 3 u.

Math 100 Introduction To Calculus
Limits; derivatives; integrals; applications.
For Economics and Business Majors.
Prerequisite: Math 17 or consent of instructor
Credit: 4 u.

Math 109 Fundamental Concepts Of Mathematics
Algebra of sets and logic; methods of proof; functions and relations; logical nature and structure of mathematics; introduction to number-theory; algebra arid geometry of complex numbers.
Prerequisite: 2nd year standing
Credit: 3 u.

Math 110.1 Abstract Algebra I
Algebraic relations; groups; pemiutation groups; groups of symmetries; group action; rings; integral domain; fields.
Prerequisite: Math 109
Credit: 3 u.

Math 110.2 Abstract Algebra II
Fields; vector spaces; linear transformations; matrices; characteristic values; diagonalization; inner product; quadratic forms.
Prerequisite: Math 110.1
Credit: 3 u.

Math 110.3 Abstract Algebra III
Fields of quotients of integral domains; polynomial rings; field extensions; Galois theory; other systems.
Prerequisite: Math 110.1
Credit: 3 u.

Math 114 Linear Algebra
Vector spaces; linear transformations; matrices; eigenvalues; canonical forms; orthogonality; applications.
Prerequisite: Math 54 or equivalent
Credit: 3 u.

Math 117 * Elementary Theory Of Numbers
Properties of integers; divisibility; unique factorization theorem; solutions of congruences; residue systems; primitive roots and the quadratic reciprocity law; solutions of Diophantine equations.
Prerequisite: Math 19 or equivalent
Credit: 3 u.