Why Use UVLe Instead of Yahoo or Google Groups

From Iskomunidad
Revision as of 23:48, 26 April 2011 by Pasy (talk | contribs)
  • For course management, UVLe has a wide range of features and activities focused on helping teachers manage their courses efficiently. Unlike in Google or Yahoo Group, a teacher on Uvle, for instance, can group students into smaller groups for assignments and other activities activities. This is ideal in managing large classes or courses taught by a team of faculty.

  • With a simple set-up on UVLe, a teacher can run activities (like Quiz, Survey, Wiki, Chat, Forum) that encourage student-teacher and student-student interactions. A teacher can also share resources (like journal articles, multimedia and other files, links to websites) or embed them right into their course outlines.

  • UVLe has a bigger file upload limit than Yahoo or Google Group. A YahooGroup, for instance, has 100MB total space limit; each uploaded file also cannot exceed 5MB. An uploaded file on UVLe can be up to 50MB and by far there is NO LIMIT to the total server space for a course.

  • As teacher, you can collect assignments online via UVLe. So no clogged mail box! With Uvle, you can set a deadline of submission, beyond that, no submissions are accepted. This time-sensitive feature is not even available in Yahoo or Google Group. UVLe keeps records of logins and submissions, so no more "but, Ma'am, I emailed my assignment to you. Didn't you receive it" excuse.

  • YahooGroups no longer keeps attachments to emails. Uvle archives everything in your message (including attachments) for later retrieval.

  • Uvle tracks all activities on site, so the teacher can choose to monitor who is lagging behind with the readings and assignments.

  • UVLe is focused on making academic instruction more efficient and effective. Yahoo or Google Group is only a general-purpose mailing list.

  • YahooGroups is prone to spam. On UVLe, "you" don't somnambulistically send any message asking your contacts for money because allegedly you've been mugged in some random city.

  • No ads on UVLe.

"Why Use UVLe Instead of Yahoo or Google Groups" - older version of the document

Also See