Basic Formatting

From Iskomunidad
Revision as of 11:57, 29 November 2024 by JanineA (talk | contribs)


Markup Summary

{| table start, required
|+ table caption, optional; only between table start and table row
|- table row, optional on first row—wiki engine assumes the first row
! table header cell, optional. Consecutive table header cells may be added on same line separated by double marks (!!) or start on new lines, each with its own single mark (!).
| table data cell, optional. Consecutive table data cells may be added on same line separated by double marks (||) or start on new lines, each with its own single mark (|).
|} table end, required
  • The above marks must start on a new line except the double || and !! for optionally adding consecutive cells to a line. However, blank spaces at the beginning of a line are ignored.
  • HTML attributes. Each mark, except table end, optionally accepts one or more HTML attributes. Attributes must be on the same line as the mark. Separate attributes from each other with a single space.
    • Cells and caption (| or ||, ! or !!, and |+) hold content. So separate any attributes from content with a single pipe (|). Cell content may follow on same line or on following lines.
    • Table and row marks ({| and |-) do not directly hold content. Do not add pipe (|) after their optional attributes. If you erroneously add a pipe after attributes for the table mark or row mark the parser will delete it and your final attribute if it was touching the erroneous pipe!
  • Content may (a) follow its cell mark on the same line after any optional HTML attributes or (b) on lines below the cell mark. Content that uses wiki markup that itself needs to start on a new line, such as lists, headings, or nested tables, must be on its own new line.
    • Pipe character as content. To insert a pipe (|) character into a table, use the <nowiki>|</nowiki> escaping mark.

Create a Table using Toolbar

Navigate to your page. Press the Edit , then, in the toolbar, press “Advanced”, then choose  Table button. A dialog opens.

From the dialog, you can choose whether to enable a table header row, to stylize the table with border and to make the table sortable. A preview example is displayed. You can also set row and column counts you need. Then, press “Insert” button.

By default, the following code is generated:

{| class="wikitable" style="margin:auto"
|+ Caption text
! Header text !! Header text !! Header text
| Example || Example || Example
| Example || Example || Example
| Example || Example} || Example
Caption Text
Header text Header text Header text
Example Example Example
Example Example Example
Example Example Example