Ma. Nerissa Abara
Administrative Positions
Assistant Professor 7
Institute of Mathematics, College of Science
University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101
Courses handled
- College Algebra (Math 11);
- Plane Trigonometry (Math 14);
- Introduction To Calculus (Math 100);
- Abstract Algebra I (Math 110.1)
- Abstract Algebra II (Math 110.2)
- Undergraduate Research I (Math 199.1);
- Undergraduate Research II (Math 199.2)
- Matrices and Applications (Math 203);
- Linear Algebra (Math 211);
- Research Paper on College Mathematics (Math 290)
Abara, Merino, Paras. Skew-Coninvolutory Matrices. Linear Algebra and Its Applications 426(2007) 540-557. (2007).
Abara & Merino. Matrix Decompositions. Matimyas Matimatika, Vol. 27, Nos. 1-3 (2004), pp 56-64. (2006).
Awards and Recognitions
2001 Ms. Ma. Nerissa Abara Instructor Pinakamahusay na Guro