Engineering Extension and Consulting Services
Engineering Extension and Consulting Services
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UP NEC renders extension and consultancy services to various firms in the industry and government agencies. Its consultants are drawn mainly, but not exclusively, from the College of Engineering. NEC also undertakes research development projects relevant to the needs of the industry. It has conducted research and has acquired the necessary experience in hydrology and water resources, instrumentation and control, microelectronics, manufacturing, materials engineering, mining engineering, operation research and production, public performance assessment, power systems, environmental impact assessment and software and systems development. NEC engages in contract research with various government agencies and private institutions such as Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS), PA Consulting, Inc., Louis Berger & Renardet Consulting, Evergreen Environmental Resources, Inc., and United Nations Development Programme, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Department of Energy, Department of Public Works and Highways, Department of Trade and Industry, and European Commission.