Up dost sa
Up dost sa
The UP DOST Scholars' Association (UP DOST SA) was established on November 17, 1979 as an organization of DOST Scholars in University of the Philippines, Diliman. It is a non-stock, non-profit socio-academic organization aiming to promote science consciousness and to secure the welfare of scholars.
Through the years, UP-DOST SA has grown steadily with its members and alumni here and abroad, amassing a significant number of achievements and awards in academics as well as in other areas, establishing UP DOST SA as an organization that lasts the test of time.
The UP DOST Scholars' Association (UP DOST SA) traces its humble beginning to a small coalition of Scholars in the University of the Philippines, Diliman in 1975. It was formally and officially recognized on November 17, 1979. In the span of its more than two decades of existence, the UP-DOST SA had changed its official name from University of the Philippine-National Science Development Board Scholars' Association (UP-NSDB SA), to University of the Philippines-National Science And Technology Administration Scholars' Association (UP-NSTA SA) in 1983, and to the University of the Philippines-Department of Science and Technology Scholars' Association (UP-DOST SA) in 1987.
- To safeguard the interest, promote the common welfare, and protect the rights of the members;
- To enhance the development of every member’s potentials;
- To make each member aware of the present issues in our society for him to ascertain his role in the University and the Filipino community
- To promote science consciousness and improvement of science education; and
- To align with other organizations in pursuit of the above objectives
Every Year, the UP-DOST SA leads the orientation of incoming freshmen DOST scholars within Mega Manila through the Summer Orientation and Enrichment Program (SOEP). It also organizes what was once a Freshmen Inter-University Inter-Block Science Quiz (SciQuiz), which was later reformatted into an NCR-wide Inter-High school math and science competition. Other activities include Sponsor-A-Kid (SA Kid) Program, Science related Educational Discussions, Science Exposure Tours, Popscicle Quiz Show, and Academic Tutorials.