UP Academic League of Chemical Engineering Students

From Iskomunidad
University of the Philippines Academic League of Chemical Engineering Students

Established 1999
Motto "Make a Difference. Break Free."
Type Department-based Organization
Location 2/F West Wing, Melchor Hall, UP Diliman, Quezon City
Executive Committee AY 2014-2015
Dan Eric Baterisna

Michael Sean Deang
Executive Officer for Academic Affairs
Estelle Diane Jose
Executive Officer for External Affairs
Bianca Christina Alba
Executive Officer for Finance
Jomari Magadan
Executive Officer for Internal Operations
Chechen Morales
Executive Officer for Membership
Jasmine Francisco
Executive Officer for Publicity and Creatives
Eloisa Janelle Greñas
Executive Officer for Secretariat

Website http://upalchemes.org/

The Organization

The University of the Philippines Academic League of Chemical Engineering Students, otherwise known as the UP ALCHEMES, was created to promote academic and leadership excellence and to foster camaraderie and goodwill among Chemical Engineering majors and students of diverse cultural profiles in the University.

True to its name, the organization’s academic excellence has been very well-proven over the years as it has contributed a number of topnotchers in the board exams, with three of its alumni bagging the top spots of the recently concluded 2007 Chemical Engineering Board Examinations, as well as outstanding contestants in PIChE Quiz Bowl. UP ALCHEMES has never failed to produce magna cum laude and cum laude graduates since its existence. In April 2010, it produced three Summa cum laude graduates, the only summa cum laude graduates from the Department of Chemical Engineering.

In 2005, the organization was recognized by the National Youth Commission as one of the best organizations of the National Capital Region after being selected as finalist of the Ten Accomplished Youth Organizations (TAYO) in the region. Now on its ninth year, it has undeniably established its name and gained integrity and respect that is comparable to, sometimes even surpasses, other organizations much older than UP ALCHEMES.

In the 2010 Engineering Organization Excellence Awards, it won the top Engineering Organization Excellence Award among all the other organizations who joined. Also for the third time in a row, it won the Academic Excellence Award, given to the organization with the highest General Weighted Average (GWA) in the college, as well as the Best Project in the Service of the Department/College with its Chemical Engineering Summit 2009, a project it has successfully staged annually since its conception in 2008. For the past two years since it joined the competition, it has consistently won first runner-up in the competition.

Not only has the organization excelled in studies. The UP ALCHEMES is also a cornucopia of talents and interests, a home to countless singers, dancers, stage performers, trivia buff, academic achievers, team leaders, musicians, artists and writers, to name a few. It has also produced great leaders in the Engineering Student Council, credible editors in the Engineering Logscript and the Reactor, and winning teams in the annual Marketing Congress. Its members are also known to be formidable contenders in various quiz shows, scrabble tournaments, singing contests, and battle of the bands. The ALCHEMISTS, above all these, maintain a cheerful, approachable, and humble personality thus making them truly unique and exceptional individuals.

Since its birth on January 13, 1999, the league has been providing services not only to the Chemical Engineering Department and to the College of Engineering but also to UP and to the Filipino society thru its various activities like the Inter-High School Research Fair, College Entrance Exam Review Series (CEERS), the Academic League Leader Quiz Show (ALL), Software Application Protocol (S@P), Chemistry and Math Tutorials, Outreach Program, Medical Mission, and ACLE.


The idea of putting up a Chemical Engineering org was conceived about a year ago. Back then, a number of ChE juniors popped the thought of forming a group that would represent them and their beliefs as chemical engineering students. Incidentally, this group would be the second ChE org in the university. The idea grew and soon many people from the same batch were into it.

Various names for soon-to-be-org were suggested, ranging from the nationalist KIK (Kapisanan ng mga Inhinyero sa Kemika), to the medieval-sounding ALCHEMIST. After numerous and tedious discussions, arguments, chikahan and what have you, most of the founding members decided on ALCHEMES. Rooting from Alchemy, this name bears a more contemporary meaning (two, actually). To some, it is Alliance of Chemical Engineering Students. However, it has been established to Academic League of chemical Engineering Students. Quite deep, isn’t it?

Since last, quite a number of meetings have been held regarding the formation of the organization. Some of these were productive, but there were some whose total number of attendees could hardly fill half of the typical Engineering classroom. After a few more months of obscurity, the group increased in number and the younger batches joined in. But due to the uncertainty of the organization’s recognition, there were some who simply just let their beliefs fade away and wandered to other pastures. But there were those who just wouldn’t give up, who always believed in what a group of brilliant young minds could do, uncertain the future may have seemed. These are the very same people who comprise today’s UP ALCHEMES. As of last count, there are about 60 members, considered the founding members.

Presently, the org is one of the many in the College of Engineering. The road to recognition was not an easy one. Of course there was an opposition to the idea of another ChE org, but after one year of unrelenting effort, here we are. UP ALCHEMES currently has no tambayan to its name, since the college only gives tambayans to orgs after at least a year of probationary status after they’ve proven their worth.

For now, we’re just happy to be recognized. A tambayan is yet another living. (As they say, patience is a virtue.) Next semester, the org will hopefully be accepting applicants. Just keep posted. For the meantime, live life.

Mission and Vision


UP ALCHEMES aims to promote academic excellence within and outside the organization, and foster holistic growth and development of its members. Hence, it organizes worthwhile programs and projects that assist in the pursuit of higher scholastic achievements and prepares its members for their professional careers. The organization also serves as a venue for the exchange of ideas and interests, as well as development of camaraderie among chemical engineering majors.


UP ALCHEMES shall be recognized as among the premier student organizations in the University in terms of academic excellence, holistic growth, and professionalism. As such, UP ALCHEMES shall continuously produce highly competent and professional chemical engineers, provide service to the University and the country, and conduct activities with the highest possible professional, academic and socio-civic standards.



“the action of helping or doing work for someone”


“a modest or low view of one’s own importance; humbleness.”


“interested in or excelling at scholarly pursuits and activities”


“a person who engages in an activity with great competence”


“an action, characteristic, feature, etc, in which a person excels; the quality of being outstanding or extremely good.”


The organization is divided into 7 committees, each with its own roles, responsibilities, activities and representation in the Executive Committee.

Academic Affairs

The Academic Affairs Committee is responsible for the formulation, planning, delegation, and supervision of activities and projects designed to help members and people outside the organization to improve and sustain themselves in their academics. This committee also heads the initiative for the acquisition, maintenance, and production of academics-related publications, paraphernalia, and other similar media.

External Affairs

The External Affairs Committee is responsible for all connections and tie-ups to student councils and other parties within and outside the university, in partnership with other committees if applicable. This committee spearheads activities that promote socio-civic awareness among members and the immediate community they serve. They are also responsible for the establishment and maintenance of alumni relations as well as its partner organizations.


The Finance Committee takes charge of any and all financial matters including but not limited to: collection, transaction, purchasing, marketing and sales. This committee also accounts all funds and donations entering the organization, whether raised by or donated specifically for other committees.

The Finance Committee is composed of two subcommittees:

Marketing Subcommittee. This subcommittee is responsible for searching for possible external funding sources by establishing corporate partnerships and by other means possible. They also create and maintain good relationship with corporate partners through marketing documentation.

Ways & Means Subcommittee. This subcommittee initiates and oversees the organization’s fundraising and income generating projects. They also assist other committees in their own fundraisers, if applicable.

Internal Operations


Publicity and Creatives


The Secretariat Committee is the safe-keeper of all records of the organization. These records include (but are not restricted to) University and College recognition forms, membership and application forms, minutes of Executive Council meetings and General Assemblies, and event documentations.

In addition, the committee is also responsible for official correspondence to the University and College Administrations, as well as to the University and Engineering Student Councils and the other organizations in the academe. It is also responsible for any official correspondence to other entities (e.g. companies, alumni sponsors) outside of the academe.

See Also

For more information, visit our website here or like our official Facebook page and follow us on Twitter.