Requisition and Issue Slip

From Iskomunidad
Revision as of 11:28, 10 June 2014 by Rsmoralejo (talk | contribs)

Requisition and Issue Slip, also known as RIS, is the form use to request items from SPMO



A. This form shall be accomplished as follows: 1. Agency – name of the agency 2. Division/Office – name of the requesting division/office 3. Responsibility Center Code – responsibility center code of the requesting office 4. RIS No. – RIS control number assigned by the designated personnel in the Supply and Property Unit. It shall be numbered in the following manner: 00-00-0000 Serial number (one series for each year) Month


5. SAI No. - number of the Supplies Availability Inquiry (SAI) attached to this RIS. 6. Requisition Stock No. – stock number of the item being requested as provided by the Supply and Property Unit 7. Requisition Unit - unit of measurement of the stock being requisitioned such as ream, box, etc. 8. Requisition Description – description of the item being requisitioned 9. Requisition Quantity – number/quantity of the stock being requisitioned 10. Issuance - Quantity – number of item issued 11. Issuance - Remarks - additional information regarding the issuance 12. Purpose - brief explanation of purpose pertaining to the stock being requisitioned 13. Requested by – signature, name and designation of the person who requested the item and date of request 14. Approved by – signature, name and designation of the person who approved the issuance of the item and date of approval 15. Issued by – signature, name and designation of the person who issued the item and date of issuance 16. Received by – signature, name and designation of the person who received the item and date of receipt B. This form shall be used to request for goods/supplies carried in stock based on the SAI received from the Accounting Unit. C. This form shall be prepared in three copies distributed as follows:

       Original - Accounting Unit (to be attached to the RSMI)
        Duplicate copy – Requisitioner   
        Triplicate copy  - Supply  and Property Unit’s file