Tigasin: The Ideal and Stereotypical Body Image of Men as Presented In Different Energy Drink Commercials in the Philippines

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This qualitative study aimed to discuss how the ideal body image of men is presented in different energy drink commercials in the Philippines. The researcher used three theories of media effects on body image perceptions: the Cultivation Theory, Information-integration, and the Social discrepancy Theory. A textual analysis was used to describe the images of men in six local energy drink commercials. Two commercials from each of the following products were used: Cobra energy drink, Xplode energy drink, and Sting energy drink. An interview was also conducted with male respondents to determine the effects of media’s presentation of the ideal to their perception of their own bodies. Based on the analysis of the texts, the researcher found out that the energy drink commercials perpetuate a mesomorphic (or muscular) body type as the ideal. This theme was found in all of the commercials that were analyzed. Also, it was found out that most men engage in body management activities to meet the ideal body type, as constructed by the society and promulgated by the media

Subject Index: Masculinity in advertising, Energy drinks

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Mag-aro, E. B. (2011). Tigasin: The Ideal and Stereotypical Body Image of Men as Presented In Different Energy Drink Commercials in the Philippines, Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis, College of Mass Communication, University of the Philippines-Diliman.