UP Engineering Radio Guild

From Iskomunidad


Planting the seed
In 1935, a group of electrical engineer/radio enthusiasts led by Solon Mathew Dakis founded an amateur radio club in Florida Street, Manila. Realizing the need to establish outside university communication links, these young pioneers pushed for the acquisition of a license to put up a radio station known shortly after as KA1UP. And thus begins the life of the University of the Philippines Engineering Radio Guild (UP ERG).

Forming stems and leaves
In the year 1953, ERG found both a name and a home in the UP campus. Through the efforts of Mr. Javier Palaban of the Department of Electrical Engineering, it was officially granted its organization name. Its members assembled a transmitter-receiver set from old surplus equipments to be able to put up a campus radio station with the call sign DU1UP.

From then on, each year stood witness to how the UP ERG has expanded from an amateur radio guild to a full pledge departmental organization. It has sponsored lectures and seminars participated and conducted sports and leisurely activities and assisted other organizations in problems that were generally electric in nature.

From youthful stem to sturdy trunk
1963 paved the way for the UP ERG quiz show, the first ever annual event sponsored by the organization. The quiz show started as inter-departmental and later on evolved into an inter-university and inter-collegiate project in 1972.

Side-by-side with the expansion of the quiz show, the organization took pride in having the distinction of being the first departmental organization to establish a scholarship program, the first recipient being Romulado Adao. In conjunction with the scholarship program, a book foundation was also launched to supplement the reading needs of students and to keep them updated on the latest developments in power, electronics, computers and the like.

Stunted growth
The organization suffered major financial and technical setback when the government declared martial law. This resulted in the cancellation of the DU1UP license, the confiscation of the radio station instruments and a halt of its many activities. But the org demonstrated strength and resilience by the reawakening of the scholarship program and book foundation in the later part of 1973.

Branching out
The Department of Electrical Engineering underwent academic restructuring in 1994 adding new courses: Electronics and Communications Engineering and Computer Engineering. Revisions were then made in the organization’s constitution to accommodate students coming from these two courses. In the same year the org felt the need to represent itself and hence the birth of the new ERG logo (the former logo brandishes a Bipolar Junction Transistor). The year 2000 was highlighted by the first ECE quiz show, a sponsored brand sale and an on campus concert. It is also in this year that UP ERG Los Baños chapter was created.

And growing new leaves
2004, ERG’s 69th year, had been a fruitful one. It is when the Dagitab Technofair and CarEEEr Talk was launched and crowned as the First Engineering Organization Excellence Awardee. ERG continued to blaze its trail of excellence as it celebrated it’s 70th year with a one-month booze of activities dubbed as “ERGxeLXXis: Familia, Historia, Glo`ria”. It was also in this year that the ERG Alumni Association was established and donated a 40-seater discussion room for the College of Engineering Library II. ERG also proved its worth and strength in the University that year as it became one of the top seven organizations comprising the UP Freshmen Orientation Program Committee, thus becoming a part of its Steering Committee. ERG became part of the Steering Committee for four years securing the Second Place in the FOPC 2006 and 2007 and Third Place in the FOPC 2008 under its belt.

On its 72nd year, ERG made another great feat. The organization garnered its highest finish in the Engineering Week, securing the Third Seat and still on its way to the top. Once again, ERG experienced the moment of glory when it received another Engineering Organization Excellence Award. Two great years passed and the UP College of Engineering’s premiere organization once again proved its worth when it launched its newest event, Strikeout: Amateur Bowling Tournament and it 3rd Ultimate Frisbee Tournament, Catch: UFO Spotted.

Now on its 75th year with more achievements underway, the UP ERG family continues to grow, despite many impediments. Its roots continually dig deeper, its trunk emerges steadfast as ever and its leaves ranch out wider to embrace each rising and setting of the sun. However varied its branches and leaves maybe, the same life-giving sap nurtures and flows through it.

UP ERG: The University of the Philippines College of Engineering’s OLDEST, COOLEST and BEST Organization!

Executive Committee

President - Dane Joseph Monasterial
Executive Vice-President - Paolo Gino Latorilla

Vice-President for Admission, Recruitment, and Membership - Joseph Ian Balucan
Vice-President for External Affairs - Kreizl Anne Buenaflor
Vice-President for Finance - Clarence Sze
Vice-President for Internal Affairs - Jan Darell Hernandez
Vice-President for Secretariat - Maria Angelica Derecho
Vice-President for Sports and Leisure - Paul Eugene Delfin Bundoc
Vice-President for Technical and Academic Concerns - Jesse Paulo Macabasco


   * Dagitab Technofair
   * CarEEEr Talk
   * ERGskwela
   * EvERGreen
   * ACLE: Hotwired
   * Book Borrowing Quest
   * Tutorials and Review Sessions
   * Outreach Programs (GK,Feeding,Computer Literacy, etc)

Notable Alumni

Francisco Viray - Former Dean of UP College of Engineering, Former Secretary of Energy Jesus Francisco - Current President, MERALCO Rowena Cristina Guevara - Current Dean, UP College of Engineering Joel Joseph Marciano Jr. - Current Director, UP Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute (EEEI) Manuel Ramos Jr. - Former Chairman, UP Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering(DEEE) Efren Abaya - Former Chairman, UP Dept. of Electrical Engineering (DEE) Rafael Mantaring - Former Chairman, UP DEE Alexander Sun Sy Eng - Founder, Alexan Commercial and President, Yongden Technology Corporation

See Also