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 Academic freedom shall be enjoyed in all institutions of higher learning. 
                                         Art. XIV Sec. 5 (2) 
                                         The Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines 

2.1 Members of the teaching staff enjoy academic freedom; Provided however, That no instructor in the University shall inculcate sectarian tenets in any of the teachings, nor attempt either directly or indirectly, under the penalty of dismissal by the Board of Regents, to influence students or attendants at the University for or against any particular church or religious sect or political party. [Art. 175]

2.2 Academic freedom is the right of the teacher to teach the subject of her/his specialization according to her/his best lights; to hold, in other subjects, such ideas as s/he believes sincerely to be right; and to express her/his opinions on public questions in a manner that shall not interfere with her/his duties as a member of the faculty or render her/him negative in her/his loyalty to the school, college, or university that employs her/him. Within this specific framework, the following principles are hereby declared:

a. The University of the Philippines shall not impose any limitation upon the teacher's freedom in the exposition of his/her own subject in the classroom or in addresses and publications;

b. No teacher may claim as his/her right the privilege of discussing in his/her classroom controversial topics that are not pertinent to the course of study that is being pursued;

c. The University of the Philippines should not place any restraint upon the teacher's freedom in the choice of subjects for research and investigation undertaken on his/her own initiative;

d. The University of the Philippines should recognize that the teacher, in speaking or writing outside of the institution on subjects beyond the scope of his/her own field of study, is entitled to the same freedom and is subject to the same responsibilities as attached to all other citizens but in added measure;

e. It is clearly understood that the University of the Philippines assumes no responsibility for views expressed by members of its staff; and the faculty members themselves should, when necessary, make it clear that they are expressing only their personal opinions;

f. If the conduct of a teacher in her/his classroom or elsewhere should give rise to doubts concerning her/his fitness for her/his position, the question should in all cases be submitted first to a committee of the faculty, and in no case should any member of the teaching staff be dismissed before the normal termination of her/his period of appointment without full and open hearing before the Board of Regents, should s/he desire it, and only upon sufficient notice. [Art. 176]

Note: The word System has been taken out in Art. 176 wherever University of the Philippines System is mentioned.