Architectural Students Association of the Philippines - UP Chapter

From Iskomunidad


In September of 1986 then Dean Geronimo Manahan of the UP College of Architecture invited architecture students to join the First Architecture Students' Jamboree to be held in Shah Alam, Malaysia. This event was organized by the Architectural Regional Council for Asia (ARCAsia) with the help of the Asian Committee for Architectural Education (ACAE). Students from the UP and MLQU represented the Philippines in the Jamboree from October 8-13, which coincided with the Second Asian Congress for Architects. It was a week of interaction, hard work, culminating with the formation of the Architectural Students Association for Asia (ASAAsia). By November 29 1986, representatives from 15 schools attended a meeting held in the UP College of Architecture Library to form an interim council with Dean Manahan as adviser. The Architectural Students' Association of the Philippines was formed.





See Also