Ebinezer Florano

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Administrative Positions

Program ChairMaster of Public Management Program, U.P. Open University (June 2007-present).

Duties and Responsibilities: Supervises the screening of applications for admission; acts as program adviser; coordinates program development, review, revision, and promotion; recommends teaching assignments as well as service load of regular faculty members; determines courses to be offered per semester; ensures that teachers submit course guides, assignments, grades, and other requirements on time; coordinates the evaluation of teachers; and recommends to the university candidates for graduation.

Courses handled

(a) Introduction to Public Administration (b) Philippine Administrative System (c) Office and Systems Management (d) Introduction to Public Policy Analysis and Program Administration (e) Tools and Methods of Policy Analysis (f) Ethics and Accountability in Public Office (g) Internship in Government Offices (h) Strategic Environmental Assessment (i) Governance of the Coastal Environment (j) Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (k) Introduction to Environmental Governance (l) Multi-Level Environmental Governance and International Environmental Law (m) Environmental Compliance and Sustainable Development (n) International Affairs Management (o) Research Methods in Public Administration I (p) Research Methods in Public Administration II (q) Civic Welfare and Training Service I and II: Citizen Report Card


A. International

  • Author, “Governance of Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change: Delineating the Roles and Tasks Between State and Communities Using the Coupled Social-Ecological Systems and Entry-Exit Transition Points (A Preliminary Analysis).” Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements in the 2010 Summer Institute for Advanced Study of Disaster and Risk held on 2-13 August 2010 at Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.
  • Principal Author (with Prejean Prieto and Eugenio Antonio Dig) (2008), “Rapid Appraisal of the Philippine Compliance with, and Implementation of Its Various Multilateral Environmental Agreements’ Obligations,” published in the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (London: Cameron May and INECE Secretariat), pp. 363-374.
  • Author, “Regional Environmental Cooperation without Tears and Fear: The Case of the ASEAN Regional Haze Action Plan (RHAP),” Toward Collective Action: Proceedings of the International Conference on International Environmental Governance, pp. 93-114. Edited by Laurence Tubiana, Benoit Martimort-Asso, and Philippe Le Prestre (Paris, France: Institut du Développement Durable et des Relations Internationales (IDDRI) and Observatoire de le écopolitique internationale of the Institut Hydro-Québec en environnement, développement et société (Université Laval, Québec), 2007). Available online only at : http://www.iddri.org/Publications/Ouvrages-en-partenariat/TowardCollectiveAction_oeu.pdf
  • Consultant-Writer, Third ASEAN State of the Environment Report 2006, for the ASEAN Secretariat, May 2005-February 2006.
  • Author, “Regional Environmental Governance: A Study on the ASEAN Regional Haze Action Plan (RHAP).” A monograph published by Fuji Xerox Setsutaro Kobayashi Memorial Research Grant for Foreign Students this year.
  • Author, “Assessment of the ‘Strengths’ of the New ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution,” International Review of Environmental Strategies, 4 (Summer 2003): 127-147.

B. Local

  • Co-Author (with Mendoza, Ma. Fe V., Minerva S. Baylon, and Allan Grand A. Sobrepeña) (2008), Fostering Democratic Governance: Lessons Learned, Gains Sustained and the Next Step Towards Shepherding Reforms (Quezon City: UP-NCPAG).
  • Co-Author (with Cariño, Ledivina V., Leonor M. Briones, and Kristine Follosco), “Reinventing Government in East and Southeast Asia: Public Sector Capacity and Globalization” Philippine Journal of Public Administration, Vol. XLIX, January-April 2005 (1-2): 150-204.
  • Author, “Fine-Tuning Health Devolution: Policy Issues and Recommendations,” Public Administration Bulletin, June 1995, Vol. IV, No. 2, pp. 20-24.
  • Author, “Administering the Calamity Fund,” Public Administration Bulletin, March 1994, Vol. III, No. 1, pp. 16-20.
  • Author, “The Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor: Bridging the Gap Between the Poor and Government,” Public Administration Bulletin, December 1993, Vol. II, No. 4, pp. 16-19.
  • Author, “DAR: Fast-Tracking the Agrarian Reform Program,” Public Administration Bulletin, June 1993, Vol. II, No. 2, pp. 1-2 and 8-11.
  • Author, “Sectoral Thrusts of National Governmental Administration,” Public Administration Bulletin, December 1992, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 8-11.

Awards and Recognitions

2009 Centennial Faculty Grant – given by the University of the Philippines System for outstanding publication in celebration of its Centennial Celebration; in recognition of the publication of the book chapter, “Rapid Appraisal of the Philippine Compliance with, and Implementation of Its Various Multilateral Environmental Agreements’ Obligations,” published in the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (London: Cameron May and INECE Secretariat), pp. 363-374.


Green Vote, Green Growth

A. Speaker – International Conferences

1. Resource Speaker, “Identification and Prioritization of Climate Change Adaptation Measures,” (with Ms. Annabelle Cruz-Trinidad) and “Selling the Idea of Vulnerability and Adaptation,” Training/Workshop on Coastal Climate Adaptation: From Vulnerability Assessment to Economic Valuation, held on 6-9 May 2011 at G Hotal at the Waterfront Manila, Roxas Bouleveard, Manila, Philippines. Organized by The World Fish Center, Environment and Economics Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA), and Marine Environment and Resources Foundation.

2. Speaker, “Fostering Green Growth through Good Environmental Governance: The Cases of the Municipalities of Bulan (Sorsogon) and Baco (Mindoro Oriental) in the Philippines,” in the EROPA Conference on “Public Governance in Challenging Economic Times: Human Resource Development in the Battlefront” held in Seoul, Republic of Korea on 19-23 October 2009.

3. Organizer, Conference Chair, and Speaker, “The Study of Environmental Governance: A Proposal for a Graduate Program in the Philippines” in the “Environment” panel of the EROPA Seminar 2008 on “Governance in a Triptych: Environment, Migration, Peace and Order” held on 22-25 October 2008, Manila, Philippines. Sponsored by the Eastern Regional Organization on Public Administration (EROPA), an international organization of Asia-Pacific countries and experts on Public Administration.

4. Speaker, “Rapid Appraisal of the Philippine Compliance with, and Implementation of Its Various Multilateral Environmental Agreements’ Obligations,” in the “Environmental Crises” panel of the International Conference on “Public Administration and Governance at the Forefront of Change: Dimensions, Dynamics, Dysfunctions, and Solutions” held on 5-7 December 2007 at Hyatt Hotel, Manila, Philippines. Sponsored by the Network of Asia-Pacific Schools and Institutes of Public Administration and Governance (NAPSIPAG), Asian Development Bank (ADB), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and University of the Philippines-National College of Public Administration and Governance (U.P.-NCPAG).

5. Speaker, “Regional Environmental Cooperation without Tears and Fear: The Case of the ASEAN Regional Haze Action Plan (RHAP),” in the International Conference on International Environmental Governance held on 15-16 March 2004, Paris France. Sponsored by l’Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI, Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations) in collaboration with UICN and with the support of Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy, the Chaire développement durable de Sciences Po Paris, the Alliance Program, and the Observatoire de l’écopolitique international.

B. Speaker – National and Local Conferences/Workshops/Training Programs

1. Adviser, Resource Speaker, and Critique, “Identifying Case and Effect of the Problem,” “Evaluating Existing Policies,” “Formulation of Policy Problem and Evidences,” “Stakeholders’ Analysis,” and “The Prince System,” 12th Batch of the Congressional Internship Program for Young Muslim Leaders, held in August-November 2011. Conducted by the Center for Policy and Executive Development, U.P. National College of Public Administration and Governance. Funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

2. Speaker, “Is the Philippines Ready for REDD+.” REDD+ and Corruption: A Forum on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries and Corruption in the Environment Sector. Assembly Hall, U.P. National College of Public Administration and Governance, 15 December 2010. Organized by the German Technical Cooperation Agency, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, U.P. National College of Public Administration and Governance, and the Center for Policy and Executive Development.

3. Speaker, “Combatting Corruption” and “Public Policy and Policy Analysis,” etc. Conducted in August 2010 for the Public Management and Governance (PMG) Course of the 2nd Batch of the Master in Public Management – a twinning program between the Graduate School of Public and Development Management (GSPDM) of the Development Academy of the Philippines, and the Armed Forces of the Philippines, General Staff College.

4. Contributor, “Disaster Risk Management and Governance: Institutional Management Disaster Risk and the Role of the University,” for A Forum on Reducing Risks and Disasters Due to Rainfall Variability, held on 28 July 2010 at the U.P. National Institute for Science and Mathematics Educational Development (UP-NISMED).

5. Resource Speaker, “Workshop on Environmental Advocacy for Climate Change Adaptation of Coastal Areas,” Training on Coastal and Marine Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment held on 24 July 2010, Conference Room, Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City.

6. Speaker, “Institutionalizing Reforms and Promoting Accountability through Citizen Report Card: The Case of the Quezon City Building Permit Issuance Service.” A paper presented during the National Colloquium on Anti-Corruption with the theme: “Challenges to Good Governance-Tackling Corruption: Transforming” Lives” held on 15 and 16 July 2010, NCPAG Assembly Hall, University of the Philippines Diliman Quezon City.

7. Lecturer on “Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation to Local Development Plans,” for the newly-elected mayors and governors who participated in the Basic Course on Local Administration and Governance held on 25 June 2010 and organized by the Center for Local and Regional Governance (CLRG), National College of Public Administration and Governance, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City.

8. Speaker, “Green Vote, Green Growth: It’s Time to Paint Philippine Politics Green.” Presented during the U.P. Academic Congress To Challenge Our Next Leaders – Beyond 2010: Leadership for the Next Generation, 5 February 2010, Malcolm Theater, University of the Philippines-College of Law.

9. Speaker, “Fostering Green Growth through Good Environmental Governance: The Cases of the Municipalities of Bulan (Sorsogon) and Baco (Mindoro Oriental) in the Philippines,” echo of the paper presented at the EROPA Conference 2009. Held during the Conference on “Moving into the Future: Institutions, Careers, Technology” and the 5th UP-NCPAG Alumni Homecoming held on 27 November 2009, UP-NCPAG, Philippines.

10. Speaker, “The Study of Environmental Governance,” 4th National Conference in Human Ecology on “Mainstreaming Responsive Environmental Governance Towards Sustainable and Empowered Communities,” held on 20 November 2009 at the Bureau of Soil and Water Management, Quezon City, Philippines. Sponsored by Humein and the U.P. College of Human Ecology, Los Banos.

11. Resource Speaker, “The Role of Local Government Units in the Fight Against Global Warming,” 39th National Meeting of the League of Vice-Governors of the Philippines, 20 August 2009, Leyte Park Hotel, Tacloban City, Leyte.

12. Resource Speaker/Critique, “Evaluating Existing Public Policies,” and “Identify Policy Alternatives,” Congressional Internship Program for Young Muslim Leaders, held on 27 August-3 September 2009. Conducted by the Center for Policy and Executive Development, U.P. National College of Public Administration and Governance. Funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

13. Resource Speaker/Trainer-Facilitator, “Good Governance: Merits and Incentives in the Philippine Civil Service,” a lecture for high-ranking civil service officials of the Royal Government of Bhutan held in June 2009. Organized by Balay Paibare, an NGO.

14. Resource Speaker/Trainer-Facilitator, “Graft and Corruption: Introduction to Citizen Report Card as an Aid to Improve Delivery of Government Services,” a lecture designed for 11 national auditors of the Royal Government of Bhutan held on 18 May 2009. Organized by Balay Paibare, an NGO.

15. Speaker, “Performance Evaluation Instrument on Good (Environmental) Governance,” of the Seminar on Building Partnerships for Gender Equality and Sustainable Development held on 22 April 2009 at Imperial Palace Suites, Quezon City, Philippines. Sponsored by Ugnayan ng mga Kababaihan sa Pulitika (UKP), Asian Women’s Network on Gender and Development (AWNGAD), and Banahaw Sustainable Development Center.

16. Lecturer, “Policy Development,” JICA Net Consultation Workshop held on 9 December 2008 in Makati City. Attended by officials and technical staff of the Parole and Probation Administration of the Department of Justice.

17. Reactor, “Arubayan: An Environmental Forum,” held on 18 July 2008 at UP-NCPAG, Quezon City. Main Speaker was former DENR Secretary Elisea “Bebet” Gozun.

18. Lecturer, “Environmental Governance,” for the 42nd regular Master of National Security Administration of the National Defense College of the Philippines, 7 June 2007. The class had 37 students composed of senior military officers, civilian government officials, and selected executives from the private sector.

19. Lecturer, “Environmental Governance,” for the Capacity-Building Program for Mainstreaming Environmentally-Sustainable Transport in Local and Metropolitan Development in Metro Manila held at the Quezon City Session Hall on 27 February 2007. Sponsored by JICA, UP-NCPAG, UP-NCTS, and Vice Mayors’ League of the Philippines.

20. Speaker, A Paradigm Shift to a Sustainable Development held at the UP-NCPAG on 12 January 2007. Sponsored by the UP-Samahan Tungo sa Progresibong Administrasyon and the UP-Pursuit of Unity Through Leadership, Service, and Excellence.

21. Speaker, Special Back-to-Back Lectures on “Environmental Sustainability: Focus on the Philippines’ Score vis-à-vis Those of Other ASEAN Member-States” and “Environmental Compliance Audit,” by Dr. Ebinezer R. Florano and Atty. Antonio Oposa, Jr., 23 February 2006, Audio-Visual Room, U.P.-NCPAG.

See Also

Environmental Governance Blogspot(version 2.0) at [1]