National Institute of Physics Courses Offered

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[[General Physics Courses ]]

Physics 10 Physics and Astronomy for Pedestrians

Physics 71 Elementary Physics I
Mechanics of Particles, Rigid Bodies, and Fluids
Co-requisite: Math 53
Class Hours: 4 hrs/week
Credit: 4 units

Physics 71.1 Elementary Physics I Lab
Co-requisite: Physics 71
Class Hours: 2 hrs/week
Credit: 1 unit

Physics 72 Elementary Physics II
Electricity and Magnetism, Wave Phenomena, and Optics
Pre-requisite: Physics 71
Class Hours: 2 hrs/week
Credit: 1 unit

Physics 72.1 Elementary Physics Lab II
Pre-requisite: Physics 71.1
Class Hours: 2 hrs/week
Credit: 1 unit

Physics 73 Elementary Physics III
Thermal Physics, Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics
Pre-requisite: Physics 72
Class Hours: 2 hrs/week
Credit: 1 unit

Physics 73.1 Elementary Physics Lab III
Pre-requisite: Physics 72.1
Class Hours: 2 hrs/week
Credit: 1 unit

'''Undergraduate Courses'''

Applied Physics 155
Computer Methods in Physics I
Pre-requisite: Math 121.1

Applied Physics 156 Computer Methods in Physics II
Advanced computer programming methods; numerical modeling and simulations; discrete models; stochastic methods; current approaches in numerical modeling
Pre-requisite: Physics 155
Class Hours:
Credit: 4 units

Applied Physics 171 Introductory Crystallography
Properties and symmetries of crystals; x-ray diffraction; interpretation of diffraction patterns; methods of determining the crystal structure of various substances
Pre-requisite: Physics 105/equivalent
Class Hours: 5
Credit: 3 units

Applied Physics 173 Solid State Physics
Crystal structure of solids; lattice vibrations; band theory of solids; metals; semiconductor materials and devices; dielectric, magnetic, thermal, optical, and mechanical properties of solids, superconductors
Pre-requisite: Physics 105
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Applied Physics 175 Materials Physics I
Fabrication, processing, characterization, and applications of selected semiconductor, dielectric, magnetic, metallic, superconducting and photonic materials
Pre-requisite: Applied Physics 173
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Applied Physics 176 Materials Physics II
Fabrication, processing, characterization, and applications of amorphous materials, liquid crystals, polymers, ceramic composites, and other important new materials
Pre-requisite: Applied Physics 175
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Applied Physics 181 Physical Electronics I
Analysis of passive circuits; resonance and filters; semiconductor theory; noise theory; semiconductor devices and their applications; digital theory; logic and switching circuits; electronic instrumentation
Pre-requisite: Physics 104
Class Hours: 6
Credit: 4 units

Applied Physics 182 Physical Electronics II
Integrated circuits; operational amplifiers and analog electronics; FET, MOSFET, CMOS, analog-digital conversion and multiplexing; computer hardware and interfacing; microprocessors and machine language programming; applications of microprocessors
Pre-requisite: Applied Physics 181
Class Hours: 6
Credit: 4 units

Applied Physics 183 Control Systems Approach to Physics Modeling
Linear and nonlinear systems; analog and digital control systems; time-domain modeling; frequency-domain modeling; transient response, stability analysis, steady-state error; control system design
Pre-requisite: Physics 121
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Applied Physics 185 Instrumentation Physics I
Sensors, transducers, and measurement techniques for various physical variables; signal conditioning, digitization and sampling; signal processing and reliability of data
Pre-requisite: Applied Physics 182, Physics 191
Class Hours: 6
Credit: 4 units

Applied Physics 186 Instrumentation Physics II
Imaging systems and image processing; multidimensional detection techniques; pattern recognition
Pre-requisite: Physics 165, Applied Physics 185
Class Hours: 6
Credit: 4 units

Applied Physics 187 Photonics
Design of Data Acquisition Systems (DAQ)/Digital Signal Processing (DSP)-based instrumentation systems; current topics and techniques for engineering optical instruments; non-destructive testing/measurement using optical methods; interferometry
Pre-requisite: Physics 166, Applied Physics 185
Co-requisite: Applied Physics 186
Class Hours: 6
Credit: 4 units

Applied Physics 195 Special Topics
Selected topics of current interest in applied physics
Pre-requisite: COI
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Applied Physics 199 Undergraduate Research
Satisfactory-or-Unsatisfactory Basis
Pre-requisite: COI
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Applied Physics 200 Undergraduate Thesis
Credit: 3 units

Physics 101 Fundamental Physics I
Fundamentals of Newtonian Mechanics and Gravitational Theory
Co-requisite: Math 54/equivalent
Class Hours:
Credit: 4 units

Physics 101.1 Fundamental Physics Lab I
Co-requisite: Physics 101
Class Hours: 3 hrs/week
Credit: 1 unit

Physics 102 Fundamental Physics II Fundamentals of Electromagnetim and Special Relativity
Pre-requisites: Math 54, Physics 101, 101.1
/ Physics 71, 71.1
Co-requisite: Math 55
Class Hours:
Credit: 4 units

Physics 102.1 Fundamental Physics Lab II
Co-requisite: Physics 102
Class Hours: 3 hrs/week
Credit: 1 unit

Physics 103 Fundamental Physics III
Fundamentals of Waves, Optics, and Thermal Physics
Pre-requisites: Math 55, Physics 102, 102.1 / Physics 72, 72.1
Co-requisite: Math 121.1
Class Hours:
Credit: 4 units

Physics 103.1 Fundamental Physics Lab III
Co-requisite: Physics 103
Class Hours: 3 hrs/week
Credit: 1 unit

Physics 104 Modern Physics I
The old quantum theory up to the Bohr-Sommerfeld model; Schroedinger's equation and elementary wave mechanics; one-electron atoms; multi-electron atoms; Pauli's exclusion principle
Pre-requisites: Physcs 103, Physics 102, Math 121.1
Class Hours: 4 hrs/week
Credit: 4 units

Physics 105 Modern Physics II
Introduction to the physics of x-rays, molecules, lasers, condensed matter, nuclei and fundamental particles
Pre-requisite: Physics 104

Physics 111 Mathematical Physics I
Abstract linear spaces and operators; matrix algebra; vector analysis; Cartesian tensors and elementary differential geometry
Co-requisite: Math 55
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 112 Mathematical Physics II
Complex analysis; differential equations and special functions; Fourier series and transforms
Pre-requisite: Physics 111
Co-requisite: Math 121.1
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 113 Mathematical Physics III
Sturn-Liouville theory; formed linear spaces, inner product space, Hilbert space and linear operators; integral equations and Green functions, functional derivatives; probability and statistics, random variables and random processes
Pre-requisite: Physics 112
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 114 Mathematical Physics IV
Topology, topological spaces, metric spaces; differential forms; introduction to group theory including finite and continuous groups, group representations, Lie groups
Pre-requisite: Physics 113
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 121 Theoretical Mechanics I
Principles of Newtonian mechanics, the Newtonian theory of gravitation, impulse and collisions, constrained motion, Lagrangian dynamics, central-force motion, linear and nonlinear oscillations
Pre-requisite: Physics 103
Co-requisite: Physics 113
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 122 Theoretical Mechanics II
Motion in non-inertial frames, relativistic mechanics, mechanics of rigid-bodies, systems of small coupled oscillations, vibrating strings and one-dimensional waves, introduction to
Pre-requisite: Physics 121
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 131 Electromagnetic Theory I
Electrostatics in a vacuum, electrostatics in dielectric media, boundary value methods in electrostatics, electric currents, conducting media, magnetostatics in a vacuum, macroscopic and microscopic magnetism, Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction
Pre-requisite: Physics 103
Co-requisite: Physics 113
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 132 Electromagnetic Theory II
Maxwell’s equations, special relativity and electrodynamics, motion in static electromagnetic field, the Lienard-Wiechert fields, electromagnetic radiating systems, propagation of electromagnetic waves, wave guides and cavity resonators, classical electron
Pre-requisite: Physics 131
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 135 Introductory Plasma Physics
Fundamental processes of ionization and deionization, basic properties of plasmas, particle or its in electromagnetic fields, continuum model of a plasma, waves in cold plasmas, thermonuclear reactions and plasma devices
Pre-requisite: Physics 132
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 141 Quantum Physics I
Wave packets and uncertainty principle, the Schroedinger equation, simple one-dimensional systems, three-dimensional systems, quantum particle in an external field, the postulates and mathematical
Pre-requisite: Physics 104, Physics 112
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 142 Quantum Physics II
Spin, identical particles, WKB approximation, time-dependent perturbation theory, canonical quantization, introduction to path integrals
Pre-requisite: Physics 141, Physics 113
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 151 Statistical Physics I
Review of thermodynamics, basic statistical concepts, basic methods of statistical mechanics, canonical and grand canonical ensembles some applications of statistical mechanics, quantum statistics of ideal gases
Pre-requisite: Physics 121
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 152 Statistical Physics II
Applications of quantum statistics of ideal gases, elementary kinetic theory of transport processes, Boltzmann equation in the absence of collision, path-integral formulation; general Boltzmann equation; transition probabilities, master equation, Fokker-Planck equation and its applications
Pre-requisite: Physics 151
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 161 Introductory Laser Physics
Intensity equation for light propagation in a medium, Einstein’s theory of light-matter interaction, gain saturation and dispersive effects in lasers, laser amplification and oscillation, optical resonators and optical modes, general properties and applications of lasers
Pre-requisite: Physics 104
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 165 Optical Physics I
Wave theory; geometrical optics; polarization; interference and diffraction
Pre-requisite: Physics 131
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 166 Optical Physics II Coherence theory; Fourier optics and imaging; basic microscopy; spectroscopy; nonlinear optics
Pre-requisite: Physics 165
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 170 Condensed Matter
Crystal structure; mechanical, thermal, electric, and magnetic properties of solids; hard theory of solids; metals, insulators, and semiconductors; lattice vibrations; imperfections; superconductivity and superfluidity
Pre-requisite: Physics 105, Physics 142
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 180 Nuclei & Particles
Basic nuclear properties and classification of fundamental particles; symmetries and invariance principles; strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions; SU (3), quarks, and other selected topics
Pre-requisite: Physics 142
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 191 Experimental Physics I
Selected standard experiments in modern physics with accompanying lectures on basic experimental techniques and data analysis as well as practical work in technical drawing and machine shop operations
Pre-requisite: Applied Physics 181
Class Hours: 10 hrs/week
Credit: 4 units

Physics 192 Experimental Physics II
Selected advanced experiments and projects in modern physics with accompanying lectures on advanced experimental techniques, experimental design, and instrumentation
Pre-requisite: Physics 191
Class Hours: 7 hrs/week
Credit: 3 units

Physics 196 Undergraduate Seminar
Pre-requisite: Senior Standing
Credit: 1 unit

Physics 199 Undergraduate Research
Satisfactory-or-Unsatisfactory Basis
Pre-requisite: COI
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 200 Undergraduate Thesis
Credit: 3 units

'''Graduate Courses'''

Physics 201

       Foundations Of Mathematical Physics

Abstract linear spaces and operators, matrix algebra, vector and sensor analysis

           Pre-requisite:  COI
Credit: 3 units

Physics 202.1*
Foundations Of Mechanics I
Principles of Newtonian mechanics, the Newtonian theory of gravitation, collisions, systems with constraints, Lagrangian formulation, central-force motion, linear and nonlinear oscillations

Physics 202.2*
Foundations Of Mechanics II
Motion in non-inertial frames, relativistic mechanics, rigid body dynamics, small oscillations, one-dimensional waves, introduction to fluid mechanics

           Pre-requisite:   Physics 202.1
Credit: 3 units

Physics 203.1*
Foundations Of Electromagnetism I
Electrostatics in free space and in dielectric media, boundary-magnetostatics, macroscopic and microscopic magnetism, Faraday’s law of induction

           Pre-requisite:  COI
Credit: 3 units

Physics 203.2*
Foundations Of Electromagnetism II
Maxwell’s equations, covariant electrodynamics, motion in static electromagnetic fields, the Lienard-Wiechert potential, radiating systems, propagation of electromagnetic waves, wave guides and cavity resonators, classical electron theory

           Pre-requisite:   Physics 203.1
Credit: 3 units

Physics 204.1*
Foundations Of Modern Physics I
Fundamentals of modern physics with emphasis on atomic physics

           Pre-requisite:  COI
Class Hours: 7 hrs/ week
Credit: 5 units

Physics 204.2*
Foundations Of Modern Physics II
Fundamentals of modern physics covering lasers, x-rays, solids, nuclei, and particles

           Pre-requisite:  Physics 204.1
Credit: 3 units

Physics 204.5*
Foundations Of Quantum Mechanics I
The uncertainty principle, the Schroedinger equation, one-dimensional systems, motion in central field, the postulates and mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics

           Pre-requisites: Physics 204.1, Physics 202.2
Credit: 3 units

Physics 204.6*
Foundations Of Quantum Physics II
Spin, time-independent and time-dependent perturbations, scattering, canonical quantization, identical particle systems, introduction to path integrals

           Pre-requisite:  Physics 204.5
Credit: 3 units

Physics 205*
Foundations of Statistical Physics
Basic concepts and applications of classical statistical mechanics; quantum statistical mechanics of ideal gases.

           Pre-requisite:  Physics 202.1
Credit: 3 units

Physics 206.5*
Foundations of Optics
Optics of planar surfaces, interference, and diffraction, phenomena, Fourier optics, image formation coherence, polarization

           Pre-requisite: Physics 203.2
Credit: 3 units

Physics 206.6*
Physics of Lasers
The theory of light matter interaction as applied to lasers, basic elements of lasers, general properties and applications of lasers

           Pre-requisite: Physics 204.1
Credit: 3 units

Physics 206.7*
Physics of Condensed Matter
Fundamentals of condensed matter physics

           Pre-requisite: Physics 204.2/204.6
Credit: 3 units

Physics 206.8*
Physics of Nuclei And Particles
Fundamentals of nuclear and particle physics.

           Pre-requisite: Physics 204.6
Credit: 3 units

Physics 207*
Seminar In Modern Physics
Special topics of current interest in physics.

           Pre-requisite: Graduate Standing
Credit: 1 unit

Physics 208*
Foundations of Physical Electronics
Fundamentals of electronics

           Pre-requisite: Physics 204.1
Class Hours: 6 hrs/week
Credit: 4 units

Physics 209.1*
Foundations of Experimental Physics I
Experiments in modern physics for college physics teachers

           Pre-requisite: Physics 208

Class Hours: 10 hrs/week
Credit: 4 units

Physics 209.2*
Foundations of Experimental Physics II
Selected advanced experiments in modern physics for college physics teachers

           Pre-requisite: Physics 209.1

Class Hours: 7 hrs/week
Credit: 3 units

Physics 210.1*
Physics Teaching Practicum I (satisfactory-or-unsatisfactory basis)
Supervised practicum in conducting laboratory classes and/or discussion sessions in introductory college physics

           Pre-requisite: EDSC 278/equivalent

Credit: 2 units

Physics 210.2*
Physics Teaching Practicum II (Satisfactory-or-unsatisfactory basis)
Supervised practicum in conducting a lecture class in introductory college physics

           Pre-requisite: COI

Credit: 3 units

Physics 211
Mathematical Methods of Physics I
Selected advanced methods in partial differential equations and integral equations such as Hilbert-space methods, and optimization methods

           Pre-requisite: Physics 113/equivalent

Credit: 3 units

Physics 212
Mathematical Methods of Physics II
Selected topics in nonlinear problems such as stability theory; bifurcation theory; asymptotic properties; perturbation methods; numerical methods; soliton theory and its applications

           Pre-requisite: Physics 113/quivalent

Credit: 3 units

Physics 215
Computational Methods of Physics
Numerical methods; introduction to linear and dynamic programming; principles of simulation and modeling; computer languages for numerical solutions and algebraic manipulations
Pre-requisite: Physics 115/equivalent
Credit: 3 units

Physics 221
Classical Dynamics I
Introduction to dynamical systems, Hamiltonian dynamics, variational principles, canonical transformations, Hamilton-Jacobi theory, classical perturbation theory, advanced linear dynamics, classical field theory

           Pre-requisite: Physics 113/ 122 / equivalents

Credit: 3 units

Physics 222
Classical Dynamics II
Methods of nonlinear dynamics, chaotic dynamical systems, strange attractors, routes to chaos, solitary waves and solitons, the method of inverse scattering, kinks and vortices

           Pre-requisite: Physics 221

Credit: 3 units

Physics 225
General Relativity I
Manifolds, modern differential geometry and tensor analysis; basic principles of general relativity; Einstein’s field equations and their mathematical properties; exact solutions; linearized theory; variational principles and conservation laws; equations of motion; gravitational waves; experimental tests
Pre-requisite: Physics 125/COI
Credit: 3 units

Physics 226
General Relativity II
Spinor analysis; tetrad calculus; the spin coefficient formulation of general relativity; asymptotic properties of space-time; conformal treatment of infinity; relativistic stars; gravitational collapse and black holes; space-time singularities; relativistic cosmology; and other selected topics

           Pre-requisite: Physics 225

Credit: 3 units

Physics 231
Classical Electrodynamics I
The microscopic Maxwell equations; electrostatics in vacuum and in dielectrics; stationary currents and magnetostatics; conservation theorems for the electromagnetic field; plane electromagnetic waves; wave guides and resonant cavities
Pre-requisite: Physics 113, 132/equivalents
Credit: 3 units

Physics 232
Classical Electrodynamics II
Electromagnetic multipole radiation; principles of special relativity; covariant formulation of electrodynamics; radiation from moving charges; bremsstrahlung; relativistic dynamics of charges and fields; classical electron theory; magnetohydrodynamics

           Pre-requisite: Physics 231

Credit: 3 units

Physics 235
Plasma Physics I
Dynamics of charged particles in electromagnetic fields; orbit theory; wave propagation in cold plasmas; magnetodydrodynamics; hydromagnetic oscillations and stability
Pre-requisite: Physics 135/COI
Credit: 3 units

Physics 236
Plasma Physics II
Plasma kinetic theory; statistical mechanics of charged particle systems. The BBGKY kinetic theory; the Vlasov equation; plasma oscillations, micro instabilities in some thermo-nuclear devices
Pre-requisites: Physics 152, Physics 235 / COI
Credit: 3 units

Physics 241
Quantum Mechanics I
Linear vector spaces and representation theory; general formulations; simple quantum mechanical systems; quantum dynamics; path integral methods

           Pre-requisite: Physics 142/equivalent

Credit: 3 units

Physics 242
Quantum Mechanics II
Symmetries; stationary-state perturbation theory; time-dependent perturbation theory; time-dependent perturbation theory; collision theory

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 241
Credit: 3 units

Physics 243
Quantum Mechanics III
Quantum mechanics and group theory including such topics as group representations; the symmetric, permutation, crystallographic, and other finite groups along with their physical applications; the rotation group; introduction to unitary symmetry; Clebsch-Gordan, Wigner, and Racah algebras

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 242
Credit: 3 units

Physics 245
Advanced Quantum Mechaics I
Formal scattering theory; relativistic quantum mechanics; Feynman calculational techniques and Feynman graphs

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 242
Credit: 3 units

Physics 246
Advanced Quantum Mechanics II
Quantum theory of many-body systems using the methods of second quantization, Feynman graphs, Green functions, and other techniques

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 245
Credit: 3 units

Physics 251
Statistical Mechanics I
Thermodynamics of phase transitions; the Ginzburg-Landau theory; critical exponents; review of probability theory; master equation; the Fokker-Planck equation; random walk and the diffusion equation; probability density and Liouville’s equation; orgodic theory; mixing flow; equilibrium statistical mechanics; equilibrium, fluctuations and critical exponents

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 151/equivalent
Credit: 3 units

Physics 252
Statistical Mechanics II
Elementary transport theory; Onsager’s relations; Wiener-Khinchin theorem; fluctuation-dissipation theorem; linear response theory; response theory; thermodynamic stability criteria far from equilibrium; examples of non-equilibrium phase transitions

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 251
Credit: 3 units

Physics 255
Atomic And Molecular Physics I
Quantum-mechanical treatment of the structure and interactions of atoms and molecules: complex atomic spectra; Hartree-Fock-Slater methods; vector coupling; multiplet theory and Racah methods; transition probabilities and selection rules; molecular rotations and vibrations; group-theoretic methods in molecular physics

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 242
Credit: 3 units

Physics 256
Atomic And Molecular Physics II – (Continuation of Physics 255)
Topics to be selected from rotational, vibrational, and electronic spectra of molecules; molecular orbitals; techniques of nuclear-magnetic resonance, microwave, electron-spin-resonance, infrared, Raman, optical and ultraviolet spectroscopy; applications to stellar spectra; introduction to the theory of atomic collision

           Prrequisite:      Physics 255
Credit: 3 units

Physics 261
Laser Physics I – Einstein’s theory of light-matter interaction; rate equation; density matrix formalism of quantum mechanics, Maxwell-Schroedinger equations, Maxwell-Bloch equations; steady state behavior and instabilities of single-mode lasers; optical bistability; multimode laser operation and multimode instabilities; coherent pulse propagation.

           Pre-requisites:  Physics 161, 242/equivalents
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 262
Laser Physics II – Quantum theory of radiation; coherent state of radiation; P-representation; squeezed states; quantum Fokker-Planck equation; quantum theory of the laser; photon and photoelectron statistics; quantum mechanical coherence; Langevin’s theory of brownian motion; Langevin’s theory of the laser.

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 261
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 265
Modern Optics I – Foundations of geometrical optics; geometrical theory of imaging; geometrical theory of aberrations; theory of interference and interferometers; theory of diffraction; diffraction theory of aberrations.

           Pre-requisites:  Physics 165, 232/equivalents
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 266
Modern Optics II – Theory of electromagnetic propagation in anisotropic media; Jones calculus as applied to birefringent systems; electromagnetic propagation in periodic media; electro-optics; parametric amplification and oscillation; Raman scattering; Brillouin scattering; phase conjugate optics; introduction to integrated optics.

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 265
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 271
Solid State Physics I – Fundamental principles of the physics of solids. Topics include periodic structure, lattice waves, electron states, static properties of solids, electron-electron interaction, dynamics of electrons in solids.

           Pre-requisites:              Physics 170, 242/equivalents
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 272
Solid State Physics II (Continuation of Physics 271) – Transport and optical properties of solids, Fermi surface, magnetism, superconductivity, amorphous and disordered systems.

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 271
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 275
Low-Temperature Physics I – Properties of superconductors; the London, Ginzburg-Landau and BCS theories of superconductivity; the Josephson effect; and other topics in superconductivity.

           Pre-requisites:  Physics 170, 242/equivalents
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 276
Low-Temperature Physics II – Properties of liquid helium; the Landau, Feynman, and Bogolyubov theories of superfluidity; rotating helium; vortices; Fermi liquid; and other topics in superfluidity.

           Pre-requisites:              Physics 170, 242/equivalents
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 281
Nuclear Physics I – Nuclear structure; self-consistent fields; shell model; single particle excitations and vibrations, linearization methods; theory of deformed nuclei; pairing in nuclei; quasi-particles.

           Pre-requisites:              Physics 180, 242/equivalents
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 282
Nuclear Physics II – Nuclear reactions, optical model; compound nuclear reactions; direct reactions; coupled-channel methods; other reaction theories.

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 281
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 285
Elementary Particle Physics I – Space-time properties of particles; classification of particles and their symmetries; properties of particles and their interactions.
Pre-requisite: Physics 180, 242/equivalents
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 286
Elementary Particle Physics II (Continuation of Physics 285) – Selected topics in strong and weak interactions; current-algebras; dispersion theory; gauge theories; and S-matrix theory.

           Pre-requisites:  Physics 285
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 290
Graduate Colloquium

           Pre-requisite:    Graduate Standing
Class Hours:
Credit: 1 unit per semester

Physics 291
Experimental Methods Of Quantum Electronics And Optics – Advanced laboratory techniques and instrumentation of quantum electronics and modern optics.

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 192/equivalent
Class Hours: 7 (1 lecture, 6 lab) per week
Credit: 3 units

Physics 292
Experimental Methods Of Condensed Matter Physics – Advanced laboratory techniques and instrumentation of solid state physics and low-temperature physics.

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 192/equivalent
Class Hours: 7 (1 lecture, 6 lab) per week
Credit: 3 units

Physics 293
Experimental Methods Of Aomic And Molecular Physics – Advanced laboratory techniques and instrumentation of atomic and molecular physics.

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 192/equivalent
Class Hours: 7 (1 lecture, 6 lab) per week
Credit: 3 units

Physics 294
Experimental Methods Of Nuclear Physics – Advanced laboratory techniques and instrumentation of nuclear physics.

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 192/equivalent
Class Hours: 7 (1 lecture, 6 lab) per week
Credit: 3 units

Physics 295
Experimental Methods Of Plasma Physics – Advanced laboratory techniques and instrumentation of plasma physics.

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 192/equivalent
Class Hours: 7 (1 lecture, 6 lab) per week
Credit: 3 units

Physics 296
Graduate Seminar

           Pre-requisite:    Graduate Standing
Class Hours:
Credit: 1 unit

Physics 299
Independent Master’s Study (satisfactory-or-satisfactory basis)

           Pre-requisite:    Consent of Instructor
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 300
M.S. Thesis

           Pre-requisite:    Completion of all course requirements
Credit: 6 units

Physics 301
Special Topics In Experimental Physics – Advanced laboratory techniques and instrumentation in a specialized area of experimental physics that is not covered in the other course.

           Pre-requisite:    Consent of Instructor
Class Hours:
Credit: 1 to 3 units

Physics 305
Special Topics In Theoretical Physics – Advanced topics in a specialized area of theoretical physics that is not covered in the other courses.

           Pre-requisite:    Consent of Instructor
Class Hours:
Credit: 1 to 3 units

Physics 311
Advanced Mathematical Physics I – Structure and representation theory of various Lie groups.

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 243
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 312
Advanced Mathematical Physics II – Selected advanced topics in topology, differential geometry, and related areas of mathematics that are important in contemporary theoretical physics.

           Pre-requisite:    Consent of Instructor
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Advanced Mathematical Physics III – Selected advanced topics in functional analysis, operator algebras, and related areas of mathematics that are important in contemporary theoretical physics.

           Pre-requisite:   Consent of Instructor
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 325
Advanced Topics In Gravitation I – Selected advanced topics of current interest in general relativity and/or alternative classical theories of gravitation.

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 226
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 326
Advanced Topics In Gravitation II – Selected advanced topics related to the quantization of the gravitational field and/or its unification with other fields.

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 226
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 335
Advanced Plasma Physics – Selected advanced topics of current interest in plasma physics.

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 236
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 341
Quantum Field Theory I – Lagrangian field theory; field quantization; Feynman path integral in field theory; renormalization; dimensional regularization and its application to lambda phi theory.

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 245
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 342
Quantum Field Theory II – Path integral formulation of gauge teories; perturbative evaluation of gauge theories; some applications to the theory of elementary particles; current problems.

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 341
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 351
Advanced Statistical Mechanics – Selected advanced topics of current interest in statistical mechanics.

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 252
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 355
Advanced Atomic And Molecular Physics – Selected advanced topics of current interest in atomic and molecular physics.

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 256
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units

Physics 361
Advanced Quantum Electronics I – Selected advanced topics in laser physics such as advanced laser systems; optical detectors and modulators; optical fibers and optical communication; optoelectronic devices; integrated optics.

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 261
Credit: 3 units

Physics 362
Advanced Quantum Electronics II – Selected advanced topics of current interest in non-linear optics and quantum optics.

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 262
Credit: 3 units

Physics 371
Advanced Solid State Physics I – Selected advanced topics in solid state physics with focus on semiconductors, metals, surfaces and interfaces, thin films, and amorphous materials.

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 272
Credit: 3 units

Physics 372
Advanced Solid State Physics II – Selected advanced topics in solid state physics with focus on dielectric materials, magnetic materials, phase transitions, and low-dimensional systems.

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 272
Credit: 3 units

Physics 375
Advanced Low-Temperature Physics – Selected advanced topics of current interest in superconductivity and superfluidity.

           Pre-requisites:  Physics 275, 276
Credit: 3 units

Physics 381
Advanced Nuclear Physics – Selected advanced topics of current interest in nuclear physics.

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 282
Credit: 3 units

Physics 385
Current Topics In Particle Theory I – Current topics in the gauge theories of strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions as well as the unification problem.

           Pre-requisites:  Physics 285, 311, 341
Credit: 3 units

Physics 386
Current Topics In Particle Theory II – Additional current topics in theoretical particle physics.

           Pre-requisite:    Physics 385
Credit: 3 units

Physics 399
Independent Doctoral Study (satisfactory-or-unsatisfactory basis)

           Pre-requisite:    COI
Credit: 3 units

Physics 400

           Pre-requisite:    Passing of the candidacy examination and completion of all course requirements.
Credit: 12 Units

  • Cannot be credited towards the MS (Physics) degree.