New Media and Education: The Effectiveness of Text2Teach Educational Program among Students and Teachers of Centex

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Humans have the capacity to adopt or reject a media innovation. New developments in media confront the ordinary human being every day. On the other hand, consumers have the choice on how to make new media work for them.

This research paper examined two aspects of the integration of text2teach, an educational program lead by the Ayala Foundation and implemented by SEAMEO INNTOECH, in the Center for Excellence in Elementary Education (CENTEX). This research study examined this new technology as an aid in the learning process of the students and as a tool in teaching by the teachers. Through surveys, interviews and focus group discussion, based on the theories of constructivism and diffusion of innovation, the researcher was able to find out that although there are some inefficiencies with the implementation of text2teach in CENTEX, the grades 5 and 6 students and teachers found it favorable to intergrate new media technology in their school. This implies that the text2teach program, which has been existing for almost 7 years already, is effective in CENTEX Manila. It is recommended that the effectiveness of other educational programs be tested as well.

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Bayona, A.R. (2011). New Media and Education: The Effectiveness of Text2Teach Educational Program among Students and Teachers of Centex. Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis, University of the Philippines, College of Mass Communication.

KEYWORDS: new media, text2teach, mobile technology, innovation, effectiveness