National Institute of Geological Sciences Course Offering: Difference between revisions

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Microscopic examination and classification of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Genesis.<br />
Microscopic examination and classification of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Genesis.<br />
Credit: 5 units (3 hrs. lect., 6 hrs. lab.)<br />
Credit: 5 units (3 hrs. lect., 6 hrs. lab.)<br />
Prerequisite: Geol 50 and Geol 140<br />
Prerequisite: Geol 50 and Geol 140<br /><br />

'''Geology 170 FIELD GEOLOGY. <br />'''
'''Geology 170 FIELD GEOLOGY. <br />'''
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Credit: 2 units<br />
Credit: 2 units<br />
Prerequisite: Senior standing<br /><br />
Prerequisite: Senior standing<br /><br />
'''Geology 203. GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION'''<br />
Geochemical principles, techniques interpretation, and procedures in geochemical exploration for mineral deposits<br />
Credit: 3 units (2 hrs lect, 6 days field per semester)<br />
Prerequisite: Geol. 182 or consent<br /><br />
'''Geology 205. GEOCHEMISTRY'''<br />
Distribution of chemical elements and isotopes in geologic environments; acquisition and interpretation of geochemical data<br />
Credit: 3 units (5 hrs lect, 3 hrs lab)<br />
Prerequisite: Geol. 105 or consent<br /><br />
'''Geology 207. MINERAL EQUILIBRIA<br />'''
Phase equilibria in multi-component systems<br />
Credit: 2 units (2 hrs. lect)<br />
Prerequisite: Geol. 182 or consent<br />
Geology 208.  GEOCHEMISTRY OF HYDROCARBONS Geochemistry of coal petroleum, and natural gas in relation to other genesis
Credit: 3 units (3hrs. lect)
Prerequisite: Graduate Standing
Geology 212 ADVANCED STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY Tectonic elements and their patterns; theories of orogenesis
Credit: 3 units (3 hrs. lect)
Prerequisite: Geol. 112, 120, and 150 or consent
Geology 213 PHOTOGEOLOGY AND REMOTE SENSING Concepts of remote sensing and geological interpretation of remote sensing imagery
Credit: (4 hrs. = 1 hr.  lect and 3 hrs. lab)
Prerequisite: Geol. 112 and 122
Geology 214 GEOTECTONICS Structural evolution of the crust, continents, island arcs, and oceans using East and Southeast Asian  among the models.
Credit: 3 units ( 3 hrs. lect)
Prerequisite: Graduate Standing
Geology 215. ADVANCED FIELD GEOLOGY Mapping in complex geologic terranes
Credit: 3 units ( 3 hrs. lab., 2 wks field per semester)
Prerequisite: Geol. 170
Geology 216 GEOLOGY FOR LARGE INFRASTRUCTURES Principles and practice of geology in relation to the construction of large infrastructure projects
Credit: 3 units (2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab or field)
Prerequisite: Consent
Geology 217 HYDROGEOLOGY.  Principles and practice of groundwater exploration and development
Credit: 3 units ( 2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab)
Prerequisite: Consent
Geology 218  URBAN GEOLOGY  Concepts and techniques of geology as applied to planning development and construction of public and private structure in urban communities.
Credit: 3 units (3 hrs. lect)
Prerequisite: Consent
Geology 230  MARINE GEOLOGY  Geologic structure of ocean basin and continental margin; geologic processes marine regimes.
Credit: 3 units (2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab)
Prerequisite: Graduate study
Geology 232  SYSTEMATIC INVERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY  Selected phyla of fossils
Credit: 4 units ( 2 hrs. lect., 6 hrs lab)
Prerequisite: Geol. 135 or consent
Geology 237.  ADVANCED MICROPALEONTOLOGY Study of large and small foraminifera with emphasis on Philippine materials.
Credit: 4 units (2 hrs. lect., 6 hrs. lab)
Prerequisite: Geol. 162
Geology 241 X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY AND PETROGRAPHY X-ray methods for the characterization of crystal structure and determination of chemical composition
Credit: 4 units ( 2 hrs. lect., 6 hrs. lab)
Prerequisite: Consent
Geology 243 CRYSTAL CHEMISTRY AND CRYSTAL PHYSICS Physical and chemical properties, structure, types, and stability of common rock-forming minerals
Credit: 2 units (2 hrs. lect)
Prerequisite: Consent
Geology 250 IGNEOUS PETROLOGY Igneous rock associations and their origins, with emphasis on Philippine rocks; microscopic study of igneous rocks including mineral examination with the use of universal stage .
Credit: 4 units ( 2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab., 6 days field per semester)
Prerequisite : Geol. 150 or consent
Geology 251 METAMORPHIC PETROLOGY Properties and origin of metamorphic rocks; techniques applied to the study of metamorphic rocks.
Credit: 4 units ( 2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab., 6 days field per semester)
Prerequisite: Geol. 150 or consent
Geology 252 SEDIMENTOLOGY  Processes and materials in sedimentary environments; application to selected Philippine examples
Credit: 3 units ( 2 hrs. lect., 6 days field per semester)
Prerequisite: Geol. 120 or consent
Geology 253 SEDIMENTARY PETROLOGY Genesis and classification of common sediments and sedimentary rocks, analysis and interpretation of fabric and composition of sedimentary rocks.
Credit: 4 units ( 2 hrs. lect., 6 hrs. lab)
Prerequisite: Geol.150 or consent
Geology 254 VOLCANISM Causes of volcanic activity; geochemistry and experimental petrology relating to the generation of  lavas
Credit: 3 units ( 3 hrs. lect)
Prerequisite : Geol. 182 or consent
Geology 255 GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES Geology, geochemistry, and geophysics of geothermal resources; techniques of exploration, evaluation, and development
Credit: 3 units (2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab)
Prerequisite : Geol. 181 or consent
Geology 260 STRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS Application of stratigraphic principles to local and regional problems, techniques in stratigraphic analysis
Credit: 4 units ( 2hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab., 6 days field per semester)
Prerequisite: Geol. 120 or consent
Geology 261 PALEOGEOLOGY Regional studies of geologic history by use of isopach, paleogeologic, and facies maps
Credit: 3 units ( 1 hr.lect., 6 hrs. lab)
Prerequisite:  Consent
Geology 270 ORE MICROSCOPY Advanced microscopic techniques in ore mineral identification, interpretation of their textures, and relationships with respect to the origin of a deposit; application to mineral processing
Credit: 4  units ( 2 hrs. lect., 6 hrs. lab)
Prerequisite: Geol. 194 or consent
Geology 271 MINING GEOLOGY Application of geology to the search for, and the exploration, development, and exploitation of mineral deposits
Credit: 3 units ( 2 hrs. lect. 3 hrs. lab)
Prerequisite : Geodetic Engineering 14 or consent
Geology 272. ADVANCED PETROLEUM GEOLOGY Problems in the occurrence and accumulation of petroleum
Credit: 2 units ( 2 hrs. lect.)
Prerequisite : Geol. 190
Geology 273 ADVANCED MINERAL DEPOSITS Ore deposit types and origin of mineral deposits with emphasis on Philippine examples
Credit: 3 units (2 hrs. class, 6 days field per semester)
Prerequisite : Geol. 194
Geology 274 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY The application of geologic principles and concepts in environmental and resource assessment and management
Credit: 4 units ( 3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab)
Prerequisite : Geol. 174 or consent
Geology 275 MINERAL RESOURCE ECONOMICS Geologic and economic bases of mineral resources, basic issues in resource extraction, analytical models
Credit: 3 units ( 3 hrs. lect)
Prerequisite: Geol. 173 or consent
Geology 276.2  METALLIC MINERAL RESOURCES Analysis of major metallic mineral resources behavior and implication to Philippine and world economies
Credit: 3 units ( 2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab or field)
Prerequisite: Geol. 275 or consent
Geology 276.3 NONMETALLIC MINERAL RESOURCES Analysis of major non-metallic mineral resources, behavior and implication to Philippine and world economies
Credit: 3  units ( 2 hrs. lect. 3 hrs. lab or field)
Prerequisite : Geol. 275 or consent
Geology 276.4 ENERGY RESOURCES Analysis of major energy resources; behavior and implication to Philippine and world economies
Credit: 3  units ( 3 hrs. lect.)
Prerequisite: Geol. 275 or consent
Geology 277.1 QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN MINERAL ECONOMICS I  Linear stochastic modeling; application to mineral problems
Credit: 3 units ( 2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab)
Prerequisite: Geol. 171, 275 or consent
Geology 277.2 QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN MINERAL ECONOMICS II Principles of linear programming, input-output and related models, application to mineral industry problems
Credit: 3 units ( 2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab)
Prerequisite: Geol. 171, 275 or consent
Geology 278 QUANTITATIVE METHODS APPLIED TO EXPLORATION Statistical and computer programming approach to mineral exploration. Problems of optimum search and efficient sampling schemes, ore reserve calculations, and evaluation
Credit: 3 units (3 hrs. lect.)
Prerequisite: Geol. 172, 181, 194 or consent
Geology 279 ENERGY AND MINERAL POLICIES Concepts, principles and constraints relevant to the formulation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of energy and mineral development policies
Credit: 3  units ( 3 hrs. lect.)
Prerequisite: Consent
Geology 281 GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATION I Theory and application of gravity and magnetic methods of exploration
Credit: 3  units (2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab)
Prerequisite: Geol. 181 and Math 121
Geology 282 GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATION II Theory and application of refraction and reflection seismic methods of exploration
Credit: 3 units ( 2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab)
Prerequisite: Geol. 181(maybe taken concurrently), Math 121
Geology 283 GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATION III Theory and application of electrical and electromagnetic methods of exploration
Credit: 3 units (2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs.lab)
Prerequisite: Geol. 181 and Math 121
Geology 284 SOLID EARTH GEOPHYSICS Seismology; the structure and the composition of the earth's interior
Credit: 3 units ( 3 hrs. lect.,)
Prerequisite: Geol. 181
Geology 285 GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING Use of geophysical instruments in mineral exploration
Credit:  3 units ( 2 hrs.lect., 6 days field per semester)
Prerequisite: Geol. 181
Geology 289 ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT OF MINERAL EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT Models, approaches, and practices commonly used in the mineral industries
Credit:3 units ( 3 hrs. lect.)
Prerequisite: Consent
Geology 290 FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS IN GEOLOGY Selected fundamental problems in geology, their relationship to each other; integration of the different branches of geology and of other sciences towards the solution of these problems
Credit: 3 units ( 3 hrs.lect.)
Prerequisite:  Consent
Credit: 2 units (2 hrs.lect.); maybe repeated for a maximum of 4 units provided the titles are different and shall be indicated for a record purposes.
Prerequisite:  Consent
Credit: 3 units (3 hrs.lect); maybe repeated for a maximum of 6 units, provided the titles are different and shall be indicated for record purposes.
Prerequisite : Consent
Credit: 2 units
Geology 300 MASTER'S THESIS 
Geology 331 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY Conservation and management of earth resources and application of geologic data for urban, rural, and regional development projects
Class hours:
Credit: 3  units
(Maybe taken twice, topic to be indicated for record purposes)
Class Hours:
Credit: 3 units
Geology 400 Ph.D. DISSERTATION 
Credit: 12 units

Revision as of 15:27, 12 September 2012


Earth materials, nature and consequences of geologic processes
Credit: 3 units (3 hrs lect,)

Mineral and rock specimens, interpretation of geologic maps and section
Credit: 1 unit (3 hrs. lab.)
Co-requisite: Geology 11

Introduction to crystallography and to the physics and chemistry of minerals
Credit: 4 units (2 hrs. lect., 6 hrs. lab.)
Prerequisites: E.S.1, Math 17, Chem. 16 and Geol 11.1

Megascopic examination and classification of rocks; concepts of rock origin
Credit: 4 units (2 hrs. lect., 6 hrs. lab.)
Prerequisite: Geol 40

Earth history and ancient life as recorded in rocks.
Credit: 4 units (3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab.)
Prerequisite: Geol 50

Introduction to techniques in geologic mapping, map reading, brunton tape traverse, recognition and recording of geologic features. Writing of geologic reports. Field trips
Credit: 1 unit (3 hrs. lab.)
Prerequisites: G.E. 11 and Geol 11.1

Chemistry in the study of geological problems
Credit: 3 units (3 hrs. lect.)
Prerequisite: Geol 50 and Chem. 26 and 26.1 or equivalent

Mechanics of rock deformation, nature, origin, types, and field examples of primary and secondary rock structures.
Credit: 4 units (3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab)
Prerequisites: Physics 71 and 71.1, Geol 50 and Geol 70

Concepts and procedures in the classification and correlation of rock units. Field trips.
Credit: 4 units (3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab.)
Prerequisites: Geol 60 and Geol 70

Land forms, their origin, and modification. Introduction to aerial photo interpretation.
Credit: 4 units (3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab)
Prerequisite: Geol 11.1

Biology of animal and plant fossils based on living representatives. Stratigraphic distribution.
Credit: 4 units (3 hrs’ lect., 3 hrs. lab.)
Prerequisite: Geol 60

Introduction to animal and plant microfossils. Emphasis on Foraminifera.
Credit: 4 units (3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab.)
Prerequisite: Geol 130

Principles of crystal optics, identification of mineral in grain and thin section
Credit: 4 units (2 hrs. lect., 6 hrs. lab.)
Prerequisite: Geol 40

Microscopic examination and classification of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Genesis.
Credit: 5 units (3 hrs. lect., 6 hrs. lab.)
Prerequisite: Geol 50 and Geol 140

Geology 170 FIELD GEOLOGY.
An introduction to dependent geologic mapping, field research and preparation of a formal geologic report.
Credit: 6 units (4 weeks field, 2 weeks lab.)
Prerequisite: Geol 112 and Geol 120

Statistical techniques in the analysis and interpretation of mineral and geologic data.
Credit: 3 units (3 hrs. lect.)
Prerequisite: Math 101 or consent

Principles, concepts and models in Geostatistics. Examination of the bases, implications, uses and limitations of prevailing geostatistical models.
Credit: 3 units (3 hrs. lect.)
Prerequisite: Math 101 or consent

Principles of economics necessary for understanding the behavior and characteristics of earth resource-based industries.
Credit: 3 units (3 hrs. lect.)
Prerequisite: Econ. 11 or junior standing

Principles of earth resources project evaluation including environmental impact assessment; application to exploration projects. Case studies.
Credit: 3 units (2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab.)
Prerequisite: Geol 173

Application of Computer Methods to various fields of Geology
Credit: 3 units (2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab)
Prerequisite: senior standing

Geologic evaluation of the Philippines and Southeast Asia.
Credit: 3 units (3 hrs. lect.)
Prerequisite: Senior standing

Fundamentals of physics of the earth and their application
Credit: 4 units (3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab.)
Prerequisite: Geol 190, Geol 194, Math 55 and Physics 73 & 73.1)

The occurrence, origin, and accumulation of petroleum; exploration methods.
Credit: 3 units (3 hrs. lect.)
Prerequisite: Geol 112 and Geol 120

Nature, occurrences, and origin of coal and certain industrial minerals and rocks.
Credit: 4 units (3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. Lab)
Prerequisite: Chem. 26 & 26.1, or equivalent, Geol 122 and Geol 120

Nature, occurrences, and origin of metalliferous deposits.
Credit: 5 units (3 hrs. lect., 6 hrs. lab.)
Prerequisite: Chem. 26 & 26.1, or equivalent, Geol 112 and Geol 150 or consent)

Geology 196 SEMINAR.
Discussion of important topics in geology from current literature.
Credit: 2 units
Prerequisite: Senior standing


Geochemical principles, techniques interpretation, and procedures in geochemical exploration for mineral deposits
Credit: 3 units (2 hrs lect, 6 days field per semester)
Prerequisite: Geol. 182 or consent

Distribution of chemical elements and isotopes in geologic environments; acquisition and interpretation of geochemical data
Credit: 3 units (5 hrs lect, 3 hrs lab)
Prerequisite: Geol. 105 or consent

Phase equilibria in multi-component systems
Credit: 2 units (2 hrs. lect)
Prerequisite: Geol. 182 or consent

Geology 208. GEOCHEMISTRY OF HYDROCARBONS Geochemistry of coal petroleum, and natural gas in relation to other genesis Credit: 3 units (3hrs. lect) Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

Geology 212 ADVANCED STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY Tectonic elements and their patterns; theories of orogenesis Credit: 3 units (3 hrs. lect) Prerequisite: Geol. 112, 120, and 150 or consent

Geology 213 PHOTOGEOLOGY AND REMOTE SENSING Concepts of remote sensing and geological interpretation of remote sensing imagery Credit: (4 hrs. = 1 hr. lect and 3 hrs. lab) Prerequisite: Geol. 112 and 122

Geology 214 GEOTECTONICS Structural evolution of the crust, continents, island arcs, and oceans using East and Southeast Asian among the models. Credit: 3 units ( 3 hrs. lect) Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

Geology 215. ADVANCED FIELD GEOLOGY Mapping in complex geologic terranes Credit: 3 units ( 3 hrs. lab., 2 wks field per semester) Prerequisite: Geol. 170

Geology 216 GEOLOGY FOR LARGE INFRASTRUCTURES Principles and practice of geology in relation to the construction of large infrastructure projects Credit: 3 units (2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab or field) Prerequisite: Consent

Geology 217 HYDROGEOLOGY. Principles and practice of groundwater exploration and development Credit: 3 units ( 2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab) Prerequisite: Consent

Geology 218 URBAN GEOLOGY Concepts and techniques of geology as applied to planning development and construction of public and private structure in urban communities. Credit: 3 units (3 hrs. lect) Prerequisite: Consent

Geology 230 MARINE GEOLOGY Geologic structure of ocean basin and continental margin; geologic processes marine regimes. Credit: 3 units (2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab) Prerequisite: Graduate study

Geology 232 SYSTEMATIC INVERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY Selected phyla of fossils Credit: 4 units ( 2 hrs. lect., 6 hrs lab) Prerequisite: Geol. 135 or consent

Geology 237. ADVANCED MICROPALEONTOLOGY Study of large and small foraminifera with emphasis on Philippine materials. Credit: 4 units (2 hrs. lect., 6 hrs. lab) Prerequisite: Geol. 162

Geology 241 X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY AND PETROGRAPHY X-ray methods for the characterization of crystal structure and determination of chemical composition Credit: 4 units ( 2 hrs. lect., 6 hrs. lab) Prerequisite: Consent

Geology 243 CRYSTAL CHEMISTRY AND CRYSTAL PHYSICS Physical and chemical properties, structure, types, and stability of common rock-forming minerals Credit: 2 units (2 hrs. lect) Prerequisite: Consent

Geology 250 IGNEOUS PETROLOGY Igneous rock associations and their origins, with emphasis on Philippine rocks; microscopic study of igneous rocks including mineral examination with the use of universal stage . Credit: 4 units ( 2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab., 6 days field per semester) Prerequisite : Geol. 150 or consent

Geology 251 METAMORPHIC PETROLOGY Properties and origin of metamorphic rocks; techniques applied to the study of metamorphic rocks. Credit: 4 units ( 2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab., 6 days field per semester) Prerequisite: Geol. 150 or consent

Geology 252 SEDIMENTOLOGY Processes and materials in sedimentary environments; application to selected Philippine examples Credit: 3 units ( 2 hrs. lect., 6 days field per semester) Prerequisite: Geol. 120 or consent

Geology 253 SEDIMENTARY PETROLOGY Genesis and classification of common sediments and sedimentary rocks, analysis and interpretation of fabric and composition of sedimentary rocks. Credit: 4 units ( 2 hrs. lect., 6 hrs. lab) Prerequisite: Geol.150 or consent

Geology 254 VOLCANISM Causes of volcanic activity; geochemistry and experimental petrology relating to the generation of lavas Credit: 3 units ( 3 hrs. lect) Prerequisite : Geol. 182 or consent

Geology 255 GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES Geology, geochemistry, and geophysics of geothermal resources; techniques of exploration, evaluation, and development Credit: 3 units (2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab) Prerequisite : Geol. 181 or consent

Geology 260 STRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS Application of stratigraphic principles to local and regional problems, techniques in stratigraphic analysis Credit: 4 units ( 2hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab., 6 days field per semester) Prerequisite: Geol. 120 or consent

Geology 261 PALEOGEOLOGY Regional studies of geologic history by use of isopach, paleogeologic, and facies maps Credit: 3 units ( 1 hr.lect., 6 hrs. lab) Prerequisite: Consent

Geology 270 ORE MICROSCOPY Advanced microscopic techniques in ore mineral identification, interpretation of their textures, and relationships with respect to the origin of a deposit; application to mineral processing Credit: 4 units ( 2 hrs. lect., 6 hrs. lab) Prerequisite: Geol. 194 or consent

Geology 271 MINING GEOLOGY Application of geology to the search for, and the exploration, development, and exploitation of mineral deposits Credit: 3 units ( 2 hrs. lect. 3 hrs. lab) Prerequisite : Geodetic Engineering 14 or consent

Geology 272. ADVANCED PETROLEUM GEOLOGY Problems in the occurrence and accumulation of petroleum Credit: 2 units ( 2 hrs. lect.) Prerequisite : Geol. 190

Geology 273 ADVANCED MINERAL DEPOSITS Ore deposit types and origin of mineral deposits with emphasis on Philippine examples Credit: 3 units (2 hrs. class, 6 days field per semester) Prerequisite : Geol. 194

Geology 274 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY The application of geologic principles and concepts in environmental and resource assessment and management Credit: 4 units ( 3 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab) Prerequisite : Geol. 174 or consent

Geology 275 MINERAL RESOURCE ECONOMICS Geologic and economic bases of mineral resources, basic issues in resource extraction, analytical models Credit: 3 units ( 3 hrs. lect) Prerequisite: Geol. 173 or consent

Geology 276.2 METALLIC MINERAL RESOURCES Analysis of major metallic mineral resources behavior and implication to Philippine and world economies Credit: 3 units ( 2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab or field) Prerequisite: Geol. 275 or consent

Geology 276.3 NONMETALLIC MINERAL RESOURCES Analysis of major non-metallic mineral resources, behavior and implication to Philippine and world economies Credit: 3 units ( 2 hrs. lect. 3 hrs. lab or field) Prerequisite : Geol. 275 or consent

Geology 276.4 ENERGY RESOURCES Analysis of major energy resources; behavior and implication to Philippine and world economies Credit: 3 units ( 3 hrs. lect.) Prerequisite: Geol. 275 or consent

Geology 277.1 QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN MINERAL ECONOMICS I Linear stochastic modeling; application to mineral problems Credit: 3 units ( 2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab) Prerequisite: Geol. 171, 275 or consent

Geology 277.2 QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN MINERAL ECONOMICS II Principles of linear programming, input-output and related models, application to mineral industry problems Credit: 3 units ( 2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab) Prerequisite: Geol. 171, 275 or consent

Geology 278 QUANTITATIVE METHODS APPLIED TO EXPLORATION Statistical and computer programming approach to mineral exploration. Problems of optimum search and efficient sampling schemes, ore reserve calculations, and evaluation Credit: 3 units (3 hrs. lect.) Prerequisite: Geol. 172, 181, 194 or consent

Geology 279 ENERGY AND MINERAL POLICIES Concepts, principles and constraints relevant to the formulation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of energy and mineral development policies Credit: 3 units ( 3 hrs. lect.) Prerequisite: Consent

Geology 281 GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATION I Theory and application of gravity and magnetic methods of exploration Credit: 3 units (2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab) Prerequisite: Geol. 181 and Math 121

Geology 282 GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATION II Theory and application of refraction and reflection seismic methods of exploration Credit: 3 units ( 2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs. lab) Prerequisite: Geol. 181(maybe taken concurrently), Math 121

Geology 283 GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATION III Theory and application of electrical and electromagnetic methods of exploration Credit: 3 units (2 hrs. lect., 3 hrs.lab) Prerequisite: Geol. 181 and Math 121

Geology 284 SOLID EARTH GEOPHYSICS Seismology; the structure and the composition of the earth's interior Credit: 3 units ( 3 hrs. lect.,) Prerequisite: Geol. 181

Geology 285 GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING Use of geophysical instruments in mineral exploration Credit: 3 units ( 2 hrs.lect., 6 days field per semester) Prerequisite: Geol. 181

Geology 289 ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT OF MINERAL EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT Models, approaches, and practices commonly used in the mineral industries Credit:3 units ( 3 hrs. lect.) Prerequisite: Consent

Geology 290 FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS IN GEOLOGY Selected fundamental problems in geology, their relationship to each other; integration of the different branches of geology and of other sciences towards the solution of these problems Credit: 3 units ( 3 hrs.lect.) Prerequisite: Consent

Geology 296 GRADUATE SEMINAR. TITLE Credit: 2 units (2 hrs.lect.); maybe repeated for a maximum of 4 units provided the titles are different and shall be indicated for a record purposes. Prerequisite: Consent

Geology 297 SPECIAL TOPICS. TITLE Credit: 3 units (3 hrs.lect); maybe repeated for a maximum of 6 units, provided the titles are different and shall be indicated for record purposes. Prerequisite : Consent



Geology 331 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY Conservation and management of earth resources and application of geologic data for urban, rural, and regional development projects Prerequisite: Class hours: Credit: 3 units

Geology 339 RESEARCH TITLE (Maybe taken twice, topic to be indicated for record purposes) Class Hours: Credit: 3 units

Geology 400 Ph.D. DISSERTATION Prerequisite: Credit: 12 units