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#REDIRECT [[Department of Speech Communication and Theatre Arts]]
The Department of Speech Communication and Theater Arts, is one of academic units under [[UP College of Arts and Letters|College of Arts and Letters]] in [[UP Diliman]], Quezon City.
*[[Josefina Angeles Agravante]]
*[[Amihan Bonifacio-Ramolete]]
*[[Amella V. Bersalona]]
*[[Antoinette Bass-Hernandez, PhD]]
*[[Belen D. Calingacion]]
*[[Carmencita P. Del Villar, Ph.D.]]
*[[Regina Banaag-Gochuico]]
*[[Ianthe Castro-de Leon]]
*[[Melanie M. Moraga-Leaño]]
*[[Ramona S. Flores]]
*[[Villy ATH. Buenaventura]]
*[[Alexander C. Cortez]]
*[[Anril Pineda Tiatco]]
*[[Dave De Guzman Centeno]]
*[[Niel Kenneth F. Jamandre]]
*[[Ludendorffo T. Decenteceo]]
*[[Luis C. Buenaventura]]
==Academic Programs==
'''Course Offerings'''
''Revitalized General Education Courses''
Communication (Comm)
Comm 3a Practical Speech Fundamentals Speaking and listening skills and their applications in various communication situations 3 u
Theater Arts
Theatre 10 Onstage, Offstage window to the world of the theatre, its humanizing role in society and its relationship to the other arts 3 u
Theatre 11 Dula at Palabas An introductory survey to Philippine Theatre from rituals to contemporary forms 3 u
Theatre 12 Acting Workshop An introduction to the art and skill of acting for the theatre 3 u
''Speech Communication'' 
Speech 100 Introduction to Speech Communication Philosophy, content, research methods and trends in the different areas of the field of speech. Prereq: Comm 3/ COI 3 u
Speech 111 Elements of Voice and Diction Development of group habits of speech through group and individual guidance, criticism and practice on voice, articulation and pronunciation. A preparation for effective social and professional use of the voice, as in teaching, public speaking, theater, radio, television, and interpretation. Attention to students' speech problems arising from their various Philippine linguistic backgrounds. Prereq: Comm 3/COI 3 u
Speech 113 Language and Ethics in Speech Communication Prereq. SS 3 u
Speech 115 Bases of Speech The acoustic, physiological, phonetic, and psychological foundations of verbal communication. Prereq: Comm 3/ COI 3 u
Speech 121 Oral Interpretation The reading of prose and poetry with emphasis on variety, range and expression; the development of adequate responsiveness - intellectual and emotional appreciation to others. Prereq: Speech 100, any GE literature course/COI 3 u
Speech 122 Interpretation of Children's Literature The history and types of children's literature and children's story interests at each age level. Experience in story telling and in the oral interpretation of literature for children. Prereq: Speech 121/ COI 3 u
Speech 123 Interpretation of Drama The theory, principles, and techniques of the interpretation of drama from the points of view of the oral interpreter and the actor. Prereq: Speech 121/COI 3 u
Speech 124 Introduction to Chamber Theater Principles, theories, and practice of chamber theater as a form of interpretative performance. Prereq: Speech 121/COI 3 u
Speech 125 Interpretation of Philippine Oral Literature Styles of performance of Philippine oral literature. Prereq:
Speech 121/COI 3 u
Speech 126 Interpretation of the Literature of the World's Religions Oral interpretation techniques as applied to selected literature of the world's religions. Prereq: Speech 121/COI 3 u
Speech 130 Introduction to Rhetoric Overview of rhetorical theories. Prereq: Speech 100, any GE literature course/ COI 3 u
Speech 133 Argumentation Principles of argumentation - analysis, evidence, reasoning, fallacies and briefing, with application in public speaking, discussion and debate. Development of capacity to reply extemporaneously to objections. Practice in argumentative composition and delivery. Prereq: Speech 130/ COI 3 u
Speech 134 Parliamentary Procedures Basic principles and practice of parliamentary procedures in various assemblies. Prereq: Comm 3/COI 3 u
Speech 135 Interpersonal Communication: Theory and Practice Prereq: Comm 3/COI 3 u
Speech 136 Forms of Public Address The more important forms of public address and the occasions which give rise to them; study of special methods by which speech is made clear, interesting and forceful. Readings and reports on Philippine public address. Prereq: Speech 130/ COI 3 u
Speech 137 Group Discussion and Conference Leadership Procedures in exchanging information, solving problems, determining policies, resolving differences in small face-to-face groups, and developing insights into the nature of group processes. Prereq: Speech 130/COI 3 u
Speech 138 Inter cultural Communication: Theory and Practice Prereq: Comm 3/ COI 3 u
Speech 160 Basic Radio Techniques Application of the techniques in the use of sound, music and special effect as applied to types of radio programs. Prereq: Speech 100/COI 3 u
Speech 162 Radio Writing Techniques and styles of writing for radio. Preparation of radio news, non-dramatic continuity, radio drama, and documentary, children's and educational programs. Individual instruction with detailed criticism from instructor. Prereq: 12 units of English, Speech 160 3 u
Speech 163 Radio Speech Fundamentals of microphone technique; practice in speaking, acting, and announcing for the broadcast media. Basic training in planning and writing of radio and television talks. Voice recording for critical analysis. Prereq: Speech 100/COI 3 u
Speech 164 Programming Theory and practice of broadcast programming. Study of audience, market and rating surveys as they affect programming policies. Practice in building daily program schedules and individual program ideas. Criticism of commercial programming. Prereq: 9 units of radio courses/ COI 3 u
Speech 165 Radio Production Procedures Preparation and direction of radio programs, with emphasis on the drama and documentary types. Student participation in broadcasting activities. Prereq: Speech 160. 7 h. (1 class, 6 lab) 3 u
Speech 167 Station Management Structure and substance of station management. Emphasis on organizational problems and regulatory laws, the planning of programs and checking for effectiveness, and merchandising of program ideas, sales and contracts, personnel management, Discussion of broadcast trends. Prereq: 9 units of radio courses/ COI 3 u
Speech 181 Directed Speech Activities Speech principles and skills related to the needs of prospective teachers. Emphasis on problems which confront teachers in defining the needs of the students and in planning well-rounded speech programs. Prereq: 12 units of Speech/ COI 3 u
Speech 183 Audio-Visual Communication The selection and use of multimedia technologies for communication situations. Prereq: 12 units of Speech/COI 3 u
Speech 185 Principles of Speech Correction Diagnosis, evaluation, and therapy of speech problems. Prereq: Speech 115/ COI 3 u
Speech 195 Speech Practicum Prereq: JS. 100 h 3 u
Speech 199 Research Principal methods and areas of research in speech. Prereq: 15 units of Speech/COI 3 u
Speech 200 Undergraduate Thesis   3 u
''Theatre Arts''
Theatre 100 Introduction to Drama and Theatre Arts Survey of the theater as seen through plays and production techniques. Attendance and critiques of plays required 3 u
Theatre 110 Theatre Practicum Actual theatre production work in stage, lights, sound, props, costumes. May be taken 4 times for a total of 12 units 3 u
Theatre 111 Voice for the Theatre Theories and exercises on the production of verbal and non-verbal sounds, as used in theatrical productions. Prereq: Theatre 100/COI 3 u
Theatre 130 Stage Movement Theories and exercises in body movement. Examination of gestures, manners, games, martial arts, and dances and their application to stage movement. Prereq: Theatre 100/ COI 3 u
Theatre 131 Beginning Acting Fundamentals of body movement and voice production. Exercises in relaxation, concentration, and improvisation. Prereq: Theatre 100/ COI 3 u
Theatre 132 Intermediate Acting Application of techniques in creating and communicating roles from dramatic literature. Intensive scene study and techniques of determining the actor's intentions. Prereq: Theatre 131 3 u
Theatre 140 Production Methods Principles and practice of stage management, house and ticket office operations, publicity and other theatre related activities. Prereq: Theater 100/COI 3 u
Theatre 141 Stage Direction I Theory and practice of stage direction. Exercises in blocking and production of short scenes. Prereq: Theatre 131/ COI 3 u
Theatre 142 Stage Direction II Rehearsal problems and direction of two one-act plays. Prereq: Theatre 141 3 u
Theatre 151 Elementary Stagecraft Elementary training on the basic aspects of stagecraft. General principles and practice in planning, constructing, and painting and mounting stage sets; also familiarization with the scheme of theatre organization. Prereq: Theatre 100/ COI 3 u
Theatre 152 Scene Design . Theory and practice of designing scenery as a functional environment for stage. Prereq:
Theatre 151/COI. . 3 u
Theatre 153 Lighting Design Theory and practice in applying methods and principles of lighting in theatrical productions. Prereq: Theatre 151/ COI 3 u
Theatre 154 Costume Design and Make-up Theory, design and construction of costumes for the stage. Theory and practice of stage make-up in Eastern and Western theatre forms. Prereq: Theatre 151/COI 3 u
Theatre 160 History of the Theatre The history of the theatre from antiquity to the present. Special emphasis on the development of the physical theatre arts and crafts. Contributions of actors, playwrights, and designers. Prereq: Theater 151 3 u
Theatre 161 Contemporary Philippine Theatre Trends in contemporary theatre in the Greater Manila area and in the provinces. Discussion of the problems and prospects of Philippine theatre. Attendance and critique of productions required. Prereq: 12 units of Theatre 3 u
Theatre 162 Asian Theatre Discussion and analysis of the performance techniques and dramatic literature of the major traditional theatre genres of India, China, Japan, Indonesia, and other Southeast Asian countries. Prereq: Theatre 100/COI 3 u
Theatre 163 Creative Theatre for Children and Youth Principles and methods of creating theatre with children. Problems in producing plays for children and youth. Prereq: Speech 122, 12 units of Theatre/COI 3 u
Theatre 171 Playwriting The principles of dramatic composition taught through practice. Development of plots and character; the writing of a play scenario and a one-act play. Prereq: Theatre 100, 12 units of English 3 u
Theatre 198 Special Projects Prereq: 18 units of Theatre 3 u
Theatre 200 Undergraduate Thesis Production   3 u
''Speech Communication''
Speech 201 Speech Communication Process Analysis Speech communication through models of the processes. Major variables and their effects on speech communication 3 u
Speech 203 The Listening Process Advances in knowledge regarding the listening process. Nature, development, and measurement of listening skills 3 u
Speech 204 Language in Speech Communication Behavior Effects of language forms and meanings on the communication process 3 u
Speech 210 Quantitative Research in Speech Communication   3 u
Speech 211 Qualitative Research in Speech Communication Prereq: GS 3 u
Speech 221 Advanced Oral Interpretation Problems in selected literary forms 3 u
Speech 223 Reader's Theater Theory, principles, and techniques of the interpretation of literature in the special medium of reader's theater 3 u
Speech 224 Chamber Theater Aesthetics and practice of acting and staging novels and short stories 3 u
Speech 230 Theories of Rhetoric from Ancient to Modern Times   3 u
Speech 236 Philippine Public Address Leading Filipino speakers and their speeches; significant speeches delivered by foreign speakers, with references to the political, social and intellectual life in the Philippines 3 u
Speech 237 Group Communication The theoretical foundations of discussion and debate 3 u
Speech 275 Principles of Speech Correction Diagnosis and treatment of articulation and voice problems; procedures and materials for training 3 u
Speech 281 Seminar-Workshop in Directing Speech Programs   3 u
Speech 291 Directed Readings   3 u
Speech 300 Master's Thesis  
Speech 301 Seminar: Problems in Speech Communication Process Analysis   3 u
''Theatre Arts''
Theatre 201 Theatre History I A comparative study of Western drama and theatre from the Classical Period to the Renaissance. Prereq: Theatre 160 3 u
Theatre 202 Theatre History II A comparative study of Western drama and theatre from the Romantic Period to the present. Theatre 201 3 u
Theatre 203 Theatre Theory I Survey of major dramatic theories and critical works from classical to the late 18th century. Prereq: COI 3 u
Theatre 204 Theatre Theory II Survey of major dramatic theories and critical works from the 19th century to the present. Prereq: COI 3 u
Theatre 205 Dramatic Criticisms Standards and methods of criticism of drama in performance. Prereq: COI 3 u
Theatre 207 Asian Drama and Theatre Comparative studies in dramatic literature and performance techniques of the
theatres of Japan, China, India, and Southeast Asia. Prereq: COI 3 u
Theatre 211 Production Design and Technical Theater Selected topics in production design and technical theatre (stage, lighting/costume design). Prereq: Theatre 152, 153/154/COI 3 u
Theatre 212 Performing Arts Management Theory and practice in theatre publicity, finance, ticket office, house management, and stage management. Prereq: COI 3 u
Theatre 221 Studies in Acting Advanced theory and practice of acting. Prereq: Theatre 132/ COI 3 u
Theatre 231 Studies in Directing Advanced theory and practice of directing. Prereq: Theatre 142/ COI 3 u.
Theatre 251 Studies in Playwriting Advanced theory and practice of playwriting. Prereq: Theatre 171/ CW 130/ COI 3 u
Theatre 291 Seminar in Selected Areas of Theatre Prereq: COI 3 u
Theatre 298 Special Problems Prereq: COI 3 u
Theatre 299 Research Prereq: COI 3 u
Theatre 300 Thesis   6 u
a - May be taken in English or in Filipino.
When Palma Hall was still known as the College of Liberal Arts Building, Speech and Drama courses were offered by the Department of English.  In May 1959, the Department of Speech and Drama (DSD) started to function as a separate unit – a clear recognition as a distinct discipline and a prime component in a university education
DSD became known as the Discipline of Speech and Drama for a very brief period and then reverted to its original name.  In 1974, the U.P. Board of Regents approved the change in name to the Department of Speech Communication and Theatre Arts (DSCTA) – the name by which the Department is known to this day.
The Department of Speech Communication and Theatre Arts (DSCTA) offers two basic degree programs: B.A in Speech Communication and B,A in Theatre Arts as well as a Certificate course in Theatre Arts.  All programs are designed to prepare the students for a holistic career.
Our graduates hold key positions in broadcasting (radio and television) as well as in the performing arts (stage and film).  Many others are successful career persons in their chosen field of endeavor.  This is precisely due to the training within the degree program which enables the student to develop both intellect and creative resources.
The student gets immersed in both the theoretical and factual aspects of human communication, under the scholarly guidance of the DSCTA faculty and staff who are armed with irreproachable academic backgrounds, research, know-how, and in-depth experience.  The DSCTA faculty, believing that a responsible communicator has to understand the complexity of mass-as-social being, inspires the student to go beyond classroom learning.
Principles in Speech Communication practice are tested by the student who is encouraged to organize, coordinate and participate in speech festivals, speech contests, public group discussion, debates, and other speech activities.  Radio techniques are taught in the original DZUP radio station where the student learns how to handle and operate radio equipment.
Under the DSCTA are nationally organized theater companies which have participated in international drama festivals.  Dulaang UP, the cultural arm of the Department, introduces the student to a world wide drama repertoire and involves them in all aspects of theatre production.  UP Playwrights Theatre, on the other hand, mounts full production plays written by Filipinos.  Dulaang Laboratoryo stages student-directed and student-acted plays.  Meanwhile, sining pangkabataan enhances the teaching/learning of children’s Speech and Theatre.
The DSCTA faculty uses English as the medium of instruction.  However, in keeping with the University Language Policy, the faculty also uses Filipino in specific courses.  The DSCTA faculty strongly believes that language is instrumental to responsible and purposive communication.
True to university’s tradition of honor and excellence, the Department of Speech Communication and Theatre Arts continues to attract enrollees and applicants to its multi-program offering.
==See Also==
* [[UP College of Arts and Letters]]
[[Category:UP Diliman]]
[[Category:Colleges and Institutes]]

Latest revision as of 10:37, 14 September 2009