NHK World’s Revisiting History and Journalism Documentary Presentation

From Iskomunidad

You are cordially invited to the NHK World’s Revisiting History and Journalism Documentary Presentation that will take place on Friday, April 21, 2017 at the CMC Auditorium from 1:00pm to 5:00pm.

The documentary details the history between the Philippines and Japan after World War II. A panel of speakers (NHK Journalists who produced the documentary) will engage in an interaction session with those who will attend this event.

Students and other participants can also engage in a social media interaction by posting responses and questions to the panelists via Twitter hashtag #NHKUP.

To ensure the smooth interaction through the Internet, we have requested the U.P. Computer Center for an increase in bandwidth during the event. To fulfill this, the U.P. Computer Center will close off WiFi@UPD and DILNET-WIFI hotspots in the entire CMC Complex on April 21 to ensure that ample bandwidth will be dedicated to the event. Right after the event, the hotspots will be restored.

We would like your cooperation to announce this event and encourage your students to attend and participate. It is a rare opportunity to have this kind of event that will benefit our students.

We have attached the press release from NHK World for your information.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you and your students on April 21 at 1:00pm at the CMC Auditorium.