These are videos streamed on demand. See also: Podcast, Guidelines for video or webcast coverage by DILC.
Pages in category "Vodcast"
The following 187 pages are in this category, out of 187 total.
- 2011 Philippine Biodiversity Expedition
- 2011 UP Diliman Convocation
- 2012 Gawad Chancellor Recognition Program
- 2013 Gawad Chancellor Recognition Program
- 2014 Convocation
- 2014 OVCA Convocation
- 2014 OVCAA Convocation
- 2014 OVCCA Convocation
- 2014 OVCRD Convocation
- 2014 OVCSA Convocation
- 2016 DMAPS Video Presentations
- A Quest for Leaders 2010 and Beyond: Electoral Choice as Public Philosophy
- Addressing Educational Issues through Bridging Leadership
- Addressing Impunity
- Aesthetic Literacy and Changing Education Paradigms
- Agrarian Reform in a Globalizing World
- Alternative Parties, Alternative Program
- An Overview on the Global Presence of Filipinos
- Anthropogenic Global Warming: Beyond the Hype
- Archaeology is Rubbish
- As Imagined As Lived: Sense of Language, Sense of Country
- Assessment of Student Performance in Online Courses: Paradigm and Praxis
- B2010 Opening Remarks
- Backrooms, Battlefields, and Backhoes: The Mindanao Conundrum
- Be Careful What You Wish For: Diversity, the Southern Philippines and National(ist) History
- Beyond 2010:Leadership for the Next Generation
- Beyond The Classroom: UP's Responsibility in Rebuilding a Damaged Nation
- Biotechnology : A Changing Science That's Changing Us
- Bioversity in the Cordilleras
- Blend or Not to Blend: A Didactic Decision for Innovative Teaching and Learning
- Building Internationally Competitive Institutions and Overcoming Poverty: Can These Two Paths Converge?
- Can the Economy Outgrow the National Debt?
- Can We Forecast the Trajectories of Plankton Ecosystems?
- Changing Attitudes as a Key to Success for UP's 2nd Century
- Child Trafficking in the Philippines
- Classical Liberal Political Economy
- Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction: The Hard Choice
- Confronting Trade And Development
- Culture by Dr. Nestor Castro
- Culture of Impunity
- Current Debates in the Social Sciences
- Decentralization, Learner-centered Teaching and Transformative Innovations on the Ground: Implications for Teacher Education
- Decontextualized Principles and the Myth of the Secular State
- Deficits and Public Debts
- Development and Distress in Mindanao: A Political Economy Overview
- DILC Vodcasts
- Disaster Risk Management (DRM) or Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM)
- DNA - Pro Kids
- DNA Abueva
- DNA Testing in the Philippines
- DNA-Prokids
- Economy -Population-Poverty Nexus: What Can RH Do?
- Educational Foundations & the Value of Global Student Teaching
- Empirical Evidences
- Engineering Challenges in the Philippines
- Ensuring Access to Safe, Affordable and Quality Essential Medicines
- Ensuring Occupational Health and Safety for Overseas Filipino Seafarers
- Entropy is What You Don't Remember
- Exploring Early Synapse Evolution
- IACAT and the Issues in the Prosecution of Child Trafficker in the Philippines
- Institutional Failures, Disasters, and 21st-Century Cities
- Integrating the Marginalized: Alternative Learning Systems in the Philippines and the IP Communities
- Intellectual Property in the Philippines
- Is UP A Cause Or Consequence Of The Countrys Weak Industry
- Machiavelli and the Rise of Political Realism
- Magpuyong Malinawon sa Yutang Kabilin:To live in Peace in Our Ancestral Domain
- Mainstreaming Disaster Mitigation, Adaptation and Preparedness Strategies through the General Education Program
- Making Agrarian Reform Work
- Mankind's Noblest Aspiration: Enduring Peace and Sustainable Development
- Marcos-Arroyo Deja Vu on Human Rights
- Marxism in Our Time
- Math and GE:Why is Mathematics Part of Liberal Education?
- Measures of Scientific Productivity and Current Philippine Performance
- Media Power & People Power: Citizens, Journalists & the University in the Internet Age
- Medieval Political Thought: St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas
- Migration---An Issue of Development
- Modernity and the UP: The First 100 Years
- Moving Beyond Educational Tourism: Preaparing Globally Competent Teachers and Teacher Educators
- Multilingual Teaching: Practices and Possibilities
- PEACE ngayon, WAR bukas, pwede ba 'yon?
- Performing Arts
- Philippine Foreign Policy and External Security
- Philippine Foreign Relations
- Philippine Urbanization in the Medium Term
- Political Obligation and Legitimacy: Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau
- Poverty Alleviation
- Power Supply Options for Energy Security
- Primary Health Care
- Property Law Reform Needs in Philippine Coastal & Marine Law
- Putting Filipinos to Work
- Rainfall, Land Subsidence, and the Choking of Rivers in Metro Manila
- Reaching Out for Breath
- Reaching Out for Breath--Issues And Challenges for Disaster Risks Reduction
- Reaction
- Reaction to the DNA Pro- Kids Forum
- Reaction to the DNA Pro-Kids
- Reaction to the DNA Pro-Kids Forum
- Reading Science
- Reassessing UPLB's Commitment to Excellence, Academic Freedom and Social Responsibility
- Reinventing UP as the National Univeristy: Learning for Truth, Leadership and Social Transformation
- Religious Fundamentalism: A Threat to Philippine Democracy
- Renewable Energy for Energy Security
- Reproductive Health or Reproductive Death
- Reproductive Rights or Human Rights
- RH Bill Exposed
- Rise of Positivism and the Seeds of Social Constructivism in the Social Sciences: Durkheim and Weber
- Rizal @ 150
- Rizal @ 150 European Perspective
- Rizal @ 150 Plenary Speakers
- Role of Disciplinal Departments in the Philippine Teacher Education: The Example of History
- S & T Capabilities and Economic Catch-Up
- Science and National Industrialization
- Science, Technology and Society: Challenges and Opportunities
- Sciences
- Second Life: Education in Multi-User Virtual Environments
- Secular Morality and the University
- Social Justice in Housing and Urban Development
- Social Sciences
- State of the Nation's Health
- Status of Philippine Biodiversity: Marine Realms
- Sustainable Transport for Energy Security
- Taming the Demons in Our Midst
- Teacher Education and Multilingual Education Standards in the Philippines: What, Why, and How
- Teachers' Journey in the World of Educational Justice
- The CHED GE Program
- The Condition of Overseas Filipino Workers in Global Migration: Problems And Approaches
- The Crucial Importance of Election
- The Future and our Cities
- The Future Of Higher Learning And UP
- The Heart, Mind, and Soul of a Multilingual Society
- The Imperative for Philippine Society within the Next Generation
- The Imperative of Growing the National Economy with an Eye on Disaster Mitigation, Adaptation and Preparedness
- The Lessons of Science
- The National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) and the Problem of Transforming Teaching Practice
- The National University in the Nation's Service
- The Philippines and the Bangsa Moro Polity:Breaking the Sisyphean Ordeal
- The Regulation of Our Identities: Indigenous Peoples and the Enigma of Legal Representation
- The State Of RP Education When Reforms Don't Transform:Reflections On Philippine Education
- The Study Of Societies As Living Systems
- The UP And The Cultivate Filipino In Search Of A Spirit Self In A Culture Of Humanism And Aesthetic Judgement
- The UPD GE Program and the UPD Language Policy
- Training Future Teachers in ICT Using the Intel teach Essentials Course
- Transformative Innovations in Education through the Use of ICT
- Transforming the Classroom 2.0: Weblogs in Action